Bye Bye Scotty!

On January 9th, Scott Haines reported to Maxwell AFB Federal Prison Camp. It appears this is minimum security camp rather than prison. I still find it less than acceptable that this is all he gets. How ridiculous! Terrorizing a family; stealing; conspiring; exploiting and he gets camp for a year.

Previously, I have voiced my disgust over this situation, and it may seem like I’m harping on this, but seriously, Scott was targeting Matt Groelinger. TARGETING! For 5 years, the SRSO employees ran him through NCIC/FCIC repetitively. Adam Riddle, the Public Information Officer, ran him in 2020 as well. This can’t be a case of “no harm-no foul” because there is harm. In Matt’s case, it’s his well-being. You know thee guys were not just looking at his info for kicks. There was something else going on. Yet they face no penalty whatsoever.

(Only a portion of the full report)

Why aren’t these other people being reprimanded? There are so many of these people on the state’s payroll. For example, Mike Gilmore failing to act in the JadeKiss case, forget the moral reprehensibility of it, how do people keep jobs when they are risking the legal liability of the agencies they represent?

But Mr. Gilmore like Adam Riddle, still has a job. Steve Cappas has a job. Yet Philip Nix doesn’t. There is no logic to this at all.

But I digress. Getting back to Scotty. I recently got a copy of the transcript of his sentencing in federal court from November. It’s quite amusing. His attorney attempts to argue and split hairs as to whether he should be punished in federal court since he pled guilty in state court. His attorney attempts to argue that Ms. Dot was there and would be willing to testify that Scott never broke the law. Thankfully the judge begs to differ.

So then, the federal prosecutor spoke:

But naturally Haines’s attorney kept trying to press the judge:

Then Scott got to speak:

Then the federal prosecutor spoke again:

Thankfully the judge wasn’t impressed.

Apparently, I am told, Scott did not anticipate jail time and that was judicial discretion. Bravo is all I have to say!

For a full transcript of that hearing, click here.

3 thoughts on “Bye Bye Scotty!

  1. Even the federal judge saw through the bull shat. It is such a damn shame that Haines was allowed to do as much as he did but yet get otf rather lightly. Glad that scumbag is in prison, even if for only a year. His federal charges were trimmed in lieu of Untruthfulness to Federal Investigators. Imagine, what if he had been truthful? Begs to wonder if he would have gotten off Scott Free? No pun intended.


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