A Class Act


Instead of posting another post on Morgan’s Legacy, I have to take time to honor an amazing woman’s life. Ms. Kathy Ball was a phenom. She lived 97 years and wore many hats but the most intriguing thing is she worked with her husband for the CIA. Her husband H. Kenneth Ball, spent 40+ years serving his country.

Greed exploited this lady. State sanctioned Greed. Ms. Kathy lost her home and her treasures during an unscrupulous witchhunt against her son, Ron, another decorated veteran and a renown author. Ron split with a widow who believed Ron stole from her. She sued him; he filed bankruptcy. She used her influence to bring the Levin wrath on Ron, via State Attorney Russ Edgar and up-and-comer, Taylor Wells. Thomas Williams was involved as well.

I received this email:

This broke my heart. I created his video to aid with her plight-yet no one helped.

After losing everything, Ms. Katherine Ball passed away on Friday. She was 97 years old. Such a great woman. Escambia County loves to take advantage of those that cannot help themselves.

This is the reason I am here.

Escambia Government Gone Wild!!!

A 94 year old widow is being pushed out of her lifelong home because of a convoluted lawsuit against her son, in an attempt to leverage the 94 year old mother to “turn on” her son.  This is being done by a non-county employee working for the county with unfettered discretion and authority.  I bring up the non-county part because it is important to know that this man has NO REPERCUSSIONS levied if he does illegal things. He will be severed from the county and responsibilities carried in the umbrella of county ethics.  He can be “kited” without any blowback to the State Attorney’s office legally.  He’s a rogue agent without the same checks and balances to keep him in place.  Yes I am speaking of Russell Edgar who has been practicing law since I was born.

How is this possible? Russ retired years ago. He gets full retirement, no pension, and a full pay check for the same job. He also has more authority, in that he isn’t a State employee technically. Abuse of power is only the beginning of this case.

A decorated Navy vet who has done more for this country than Russ has a widow who will be kicked out of her home as a means of trying to get to her son, in a civil suit blown up into a RICO case unjustly. Who do you complain to? He isn’t a state employee. He is a contracted representative with the full power of the state and acts as an agent of the state but is not bound to any rules that would apply to most assistant state attorneys.

How is this possible?  Greed by a rogue agent can abuse the law, unscathed, and it be supported by the state. The umbrella of prosecutorial immunity still applies when the laws surrounding that immunity don’t. WTF???

Escambia is paying double for one job to the same person who did it prior. On top of that, he gets free license to go after anyone without any consequences for bad behavior.  I just don’t understand.