Sheriff Morgan: It’s OK for Deputies & Daughters Get Their Groove On

traffickingMedium2 For a small community, Escambia County has more than its share of sex issues. Recently, 2 EMT’s (Doug & Leah Manning) were charged with sexual assault and child abuse for offering their teenage daughters to sleep with Escambia County Sheriff Deputies. Two men were videotaped with the 16 year old twin girls who were the kids of Leah Manning. The deputies were Walter Thomas & Mark Smith–both 40+ years old– and are only named specifically because of aforementioned video on a cell phone. The disturbing part of this situation is threefold; 1. How many other deputies sexually assaulted these girls who were not necessarily recorded? 2. How many other teenagers in these girls’ clique may be involved? 3. Why isn’t the Sheriff’s Department actually investigating this OR rather why isn’t a less corrupt agency investigating this? Do bad kids usually punish themselves?


Mark Smith

I have part of an answer. Despite the fact there could be additional sex offenders with badges slapping cuffs on with one hand and slapping asses with the other or more kids that were molested by the men in green, the Sheriff is playing CYA (Cover Your Ass). Truth be told, the “free love” lifestyle is rampant among the Escambia County Sheriff’s office. Sir David is believed to participate in “free love” as well as Rick Outzen, his puppet, who pulled a major political favor out of Morgan by having his girlfriend given a fictitious job upon Morgan’s election as Sheriff. David Craig, Major, Community Policing Coordinator, Communications Director (depending on the day) was also bestowed a job within the Sheriff’s office as a condition of Morgan’s election.

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(Damn, I never noticed but they could be brothers!) Surrounded by people indebted to the him, unwilling to live up to their assumed responsibility as well as deputies acting like gerbils crawling all over each other, Sir David doesn’t want his office to look bad.  Who would want all this to come out? Definitely not Outzen—his wife and kids don’t know what kind of kink he has in his step. Certainly not the people who are inservitude to Sir David.  Absolutely not the people who are screwing each other as well each others’ children. We could take it to the Chief Deputy who is a man of God, right?  Holier than though Haines seems inclined to watch Sodom & Gomorrah burn, while he standing by idly. He sees the sins and the sinners but chooses to do nothing to stand up for his supposed values and God. Praise the Lord and pass the popcorn. IMG_3335-1024x768 Should we turn to FDLE, who composed of ex-deputies with buddies involved? Should we look to federal intervention in a region where a criminal informant is given carte blanche to kill while everyone covers it up? Like that really matters in light of a Sheriff who pronounces a “death sentence” over anybody that comes forward. To clarify, “you will wish you were dead if you speak outside this office”. IMG_20150404_185524-1 Justice at work people. Who is next on the victim list? Maybe you? Maybe your children? Don’t let these people walk free in your community. If deputies are so sexually liberated to speak openly about their lifestyle in the workplace, it makes sense that they are prioritizing their pleasure over their responsibility. How many on duty deputies rotated in and out of the Manning house? Last count was 10-15. THIS IS NOT OK. There are reasons for ethical codes for peace officers. They are morally held to a standard that we should all live at. Yet they have the ability to commit the vilest of crimes without word one in the news. C’mon!  In the Billings’ case, every detail and piece of evidence was dumped into the public and pictures were released to get press. Where are those cameras now? Why isn’t someone hounding the Sheriff to keep the public apprised of the further investigation in sexual depravity and molestation in his own HOUSE?

6 thoughts on “Sheriff Morgan: It’s OK for Deputies & Daughters Get Their Groove On

  1. Well I really think u should have more information before you blog about stuff you don’t know the facts. One thing you should know is the girls are not at fault. You have the ages wrong too. Be careful when you talk about people kids.


    • Cynthia, I take both your points and I have adjusted wording as well as verified the girls were 16. Yes, you are right, the girls are not to blame.

      Here is the thing. I would love for the family to come forward for the interest of getting other predators out of the community. It is not just this family that has been exploited but it will be others. Sex offenders rarely stop without intervention, badge or not.

      The girls are trying to move forward but by not implicating all the people who might have also been involved, do you think they will feel safe knowing those same people are on the street each and every day. What if they come back around these girls a year from now when the attention dies down? These other men outside of Manning, Thomas & Smith are going to hurt some girl some time and it might just be the Mannings’ daughters again.


  2. Well i guess you can travel and see minors when you suppose to stay in the state and way from kids.


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