The “Honorable Sheriff” Finally Has Been Shamed Over Misappropriation


Former Sheriff Morgan paid $75k on 2 bronze statutes to put in front of the ECSO. He used money that should have been used on resources internally like upgrading equipment, investigations and training. I don’t know how many times over the years I have said this jackass routinely misuses funds he is in charge of. Look at the money piddled away on political capital via the LET funds. The back pay of the deputies that is still in limbo and hasn’t been paid out to date. The Honorable Sheriff came up with an algorithm to give the deputies their dues. It spreads them out over time. But so many of those guys have been forced out of the agencies before they got what was due. What happened to that money???

Morgan was rumored to have misused a government credit card when he was in the Air Force. I definitely see a pattern of behavior. There are so many other times he has been irresponsibly played with funds. When you have accounting officials skimming for years, without detection, you must question the oversight of all monies into and out of this agency. If there are checks and balances, embezzlement would be detected in short order. But the CFO Henrique Dias never scrutinized anything, because he was too busy manipulating other monies at the behest of Morgan. Then you have Pam Childers, the comptroller, who doesn’t verify funds are spent appropriately concerning LET funds. What else is she not looking at?

This statute is so characteristic of this egomaniac, His malignant narcissism (Malignant narcissism is a psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder and sadism. ) will not allow him to quietly fade into the ether. He has shown time and time again that his overblown sense of self importance exists in every action and every word he uses.

Now he has agreed to buy the his own statute. But shouldn’t he pay for both? Potts could not have commissioned and approved spending on a statute of himself. Morgan did. So why is Chip allowing the money on that statute be wasted as well?

Andy Marlette chimed in:

After news of the shameful sculpture broke, Morgan later took to a radio show staged by uncritical questions from his personal friend and InWeekly publisher Rick Outzen to claim that he would reimburse the cost of his statue. Outzen said that would make the story “go away.”

Yeah right!! This is just the beginning. Outzen is completely disconnected to anything dealing with Morgan and his misdeeds.

Strangely enough, Marlette wants this to be put out on display.

The sculpture of Morgan is an allegory.   
Just as the crowned lady near Ellis Island represents “liberty” or the blindfolded scale-bearer represents “justice,” the self-commissioned self-portrait of David Morgan will forever stand as a perfectly fitting portrayal of Pensacola’s political class.
It embodies the ongoing shame and shortcomings of self-obsessed white men who have consistently wormed themselves into the highest perches of power. Yes, it is a statue of David Morgan. But it is also a reflection of ourselves. A symbol of our community. A sign of the times.
And this is why it must stand — as public art that tells an important and ongoing public story about those who hold power in this place we all call home…..But let it be seen

Pensacola news journal, Aug. 20, 2021

This little rant is reminiscent of the same argument I and others have made in the past. Isn’t that justification to have the Confederate monuments stand? Morgan has harmed so many people in the community and if it is necessary to memorialize him as a symbol of the era of his reign, then it is just as necessary to memorialize the other men of the community and their actions/legacy. Morgan has been responsible for the community losing good deputies, not acting on sexual predators within his command, misappropriating money that benefitted him only and this is just part of his betrayal of public trust. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been victimized by Morgan. Let’s not forget the astonishing growth of his net worth while being a public servant.. The millionaire sheriff.

So come on Marlette, let’s keep all the statues where they belong in the public forum, to remind people of the atrocities. This is a direct parallel, except the Confederates didn’t personally commission their own statutes. The community made that decision. But hey, Confederate officers deserve to be relegated to a corner of a museum. We don’t want anyone remembering history. Better they should not take heed of past event, to more easily facilitate repetition of such things.

Business as Usual: How Routine Public Corruption Affects People Like You


I said there was going to be a followup blog on Jon Beard and his excessive force hi jinks, however, Beard’s personnel records have been delayed and then, well, the nation went into mass chaos with calls for “defunding the police”.  I didn’t want to add any fuel to that fire. So I apologize for not posting on this issue, which is a HUGE PROBLEM, for the ECSO, but I wanted no hand in encouraging behavior that compromises the community safety because of  improper timing.  The harm vs the truth ratio was out of balance for me. Beard’s story will be told, but the timing, to tell it, is not now.

I did want to speak from the heart on the world events.  I do this blog because of my personal sense of duty to do the right thing, not for personal gain, but because it is right. I think I have inspired others to step up, even though there is fear and uncertainty. Some cannot due to circumstances and that I understand. That is why I choose to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. There is no personal gain for me, other than peace of being able to live with my own choices.

I have been labeled as “crazy”, “lone nut”. I have been said to misunderstand events and the law. I have been told my efforts are for naught. None of these things prevented me from continuing on a path I consider my own. Some people I haven’t been able to help as much as I wish. While others, I feel, I aided their cause and progressed their fight for some amount of justice. I listen to everyone who comes to me and do the best I can to make sure everyone feels heard.  That is what is missing in society today. We let people talk, only to form a rebuttal. We try to discredit people whose stories initially seem implausible because of our own experiences.  That is probably the most infuriating feeling in the world.  I take great pains in trying to understand the issues. Yes, I know I’m an anomaly. I’m okay with that. Recently, I have lost a colleague I genuinely love because of petty bullshit. We are all batshit crazy in our own way and it’s okay to be passionate to fault in causes  that are important to us. However, it cannot be okay to be so passionate that we do not have compassion or that we get tunnel vision. I have spent a great deal of time contemplating my own zealousness.  Because of this situation, I took a break to gather my thoughts and analyze my focus. 

In doing “The Devil Got Appointed in Georgia”, I wanted to show that the same corruption exists in so many places and it is what is undermining our country now. The problem of sidestepping laws to aid friends, bending the law, for whatever reason, makes the scales unbalanced. Holding people to differing levels of lawfulness erodes public trust and confidence in the law and legal system. Corruption is the unseen theme in EVERY case I have discussed. It is my priority to expose it.  Wrongful convictions are an epidemic in Florida, as one of the top states in wrongful conviction exonerations. The system is meant to push people, innocent or not, into a system from which their lives are inextricably linked. My agenda is simple: Fix the underlying corruption that destroys lives. Now on to the next case.

An Introduction

This is the beginning of a new series. I wanted to briefly explain the importance of these stories.

Everything that has hurt the people of Pensacola, Escambia County, can be reduced to corruption. Yet no one calls a spade a spade. The “c” word is played down and rarely spoken there. Everyone seems to think it doesn’t really exist, but it does.  Any shortcut, work around, favor done that bypasses the law–no matter how insignificant it may seem—is corruption.  These practices are so ingrained in the culture, most do not even recognize exactly what is going on.  But each of these shortcuts, work arounds, favors means someone else gets hurt in some way. It may not be immediate, or even something the grantor of such things knows happens, but it is a ripple in the water.

Public trust disintegrates; the law is undermined; an example is set;  another line in the sand is crossed; the silent echo magnifies into the universe….By the time the harm is felt it is exponentially worse than the little transgressions that created them.  People cannot protect themselves from the silent danger they don’t know exists.


Part 1 of this series will be within the next day or so. It begins with a new case. Stand by.

Morgan Tells President to Pound Sand

In an unprecedented move, Sheriff Morgan refuses to lend support to presidential detail for Trump. WTF?  He claims he is shorthanded but this is the Commander in Chief, you make it work or at least give a token few deputies as a show of good faith. In a military town, from a former officer of the Air Force, this is unreal. This begs the question, why?

Photo op and fanfare but no Morgan??? This seems ridiculous. In talking to a military source, a reason that was floated as to this missed press optic, may have something to do with Morgan’s LACK OF SECURITY CLEARANCE. Morgan refused to be vetted for a security clearance to be apart of the Joint Terrorism Taskforce, meaning he is not a party to any terrorism threat in Escambia County. He cannot be privy to details of any info that every other agency in Northwest Florida has access to, like PPD, FDLE, & FHP who work with federal agencies. Morgan can’t be at the table.

Is that a point of contention? Or is it a perceived point of contention? There is no reason for the military Sheriff disrespecting the President in a military town.

Sheriff Morgan: It’s OK for Deputies & Daughters Get Their Groove On

traffickingMedium2 For a small community, Escambia County has more than its share of sex issues. Recently, 2 EMT’s (Doug & Leah Manning) were charged with sexual assault and child abuse for offering their teenage daughters to sleep with Escambia County Sheriff Deputies. Two men were videotaped with the 16 year old twin girls who were the kids of Leah Manning. The deputies were Walter Thomas & Mark Smith–both 40+ years old– and are only named specifically because of aforementioned video on a cell phone. The disturbing part of this situation is threefold; 1. How many other deputies sexually assaulted these girls who were not necessarily recorded? 2. How many other teenagers in these girls’ clique may be involved? 3. Why isn’t the Sheriff’s Department actually investigating this OR rather why isn’t a less corrupt agency investigating this? Do bad kids usually punish themselves?

893434_458398124233158_376189573_o Mark Smith

I have part of an answer. Despite the fact there could be additional sex offenders with badges slapping cuffs on with one hand and slapping asses with the other or more kids that were molested by the men in green, the Sheriff is playing CYA (Cover Your Ass). Truth be told, the “free love” lifestyle is rampant among the Escambia County Sheriff’s office. Sir David is believed to participate in “free love” as well as Rick Outzen, his puppet, who pulled a major political favor out of Morgan by having his girlfriend given a fictitious job upon Morgan’s election as Sheriff. David Craig, Major, Community Policing Coordinator, Communications Director (depending on the day) was also bestowed a job within the Sheriff’s office as a condition of Morgan’s election.



(Damn, I never noticed but they could be brothers!) Surrounded by people indebted to the him, unwilling to live up to their assumed responsibility as well as deputies acting like gerbils crawling all over each other, Sir David doesn’t want his office to look bad.  Who would want all this to come out? Definitely not Outzen—his wife and kids don’t know what kind of kink he has in his step. Certainly not the people who are inservitude to Sir David.  Absolutely not the people who are screwing each other as well each others’ children. We could take it to the Chief Deputy who is a man of God, right?  Holier than though Haines seems inclined to watch Sodom & Gomorrah burn, while he standing by idly. He sees the sins and the sinners but chooses to do nothing to stand up for his supposed values and God. Praise the Lord and pass the popcorn. IMG_3335-1024x768 Should we turn to FDLE, who composed of ex-deputies with buddies involved? Should we look to federal intervention in a region where a criminal informant is given carte blanche to kill while everyone covers it up? Like that really matters in light of a Sheriff who pronounces a “death sentence” over anybody that comes forward. To clarify, “you will wish you were dead if you speak outside this office”. IMG_20150404_185524-1 Justice at work people. Who is next on the victim list? Maybe you? Maybe your children? Don’t let these people walk free in your community. If deputies are so sexually liberated to speak openly about their lifestyle in the workplace, it makes sense that they are prioritizing their pleasure over their responsibility. How many on duty deputies rotated in and out of the Manning house? Last count was 10-15. THIS IS NOT OK. There are reasons for ethical codes for peace officers. They are morally held to a standard that we should all live at. Yet they have the ability to commit the vilest of crimes without word one in the news. C’mon!  In the Billings’ case, every detail and piece of evidence was dumped into the public and pictures were released to get press. Where are those cameras now? Why isn’t someone hounding the Sheriff to keep the public apprised of the further investigation in sexual depravity and molestation in his own HOUSE?

Ronald Clark Ball

ron clark ball falcon at DuckDuckGo.clipular

Mr. Ball’s incarceration marks the point of no return in the crusade to de-throne corruption in Escambia County. Mr. Ball, being an author, a man of prestige & a globally renown lecturer in the understanding of the cyber threat as it relates to National Security, has become the latest name to the list of victims of abuse of power throughout the Escambia County government. Mr. Ball is not the typical victim, because he is not of a lesser demographic; he’s not a minority, nor a socio-economic nobody that is usually the profile of people marginalized by the Escambia corruption machine. People like Pat Gonzalez, or Michelle Clarke are denigrated by the “honorable” elite of the county due to their backgrounds or prior bad acts. People like Philip Nix, Bill Chavers, Gene Valentino, Anita Hemphill, Laura Montoya or the honorable other citizens who are outspoken in the abuses of the county,  are said to be suffering from a technical term by Sheriff Morgan known as “sour grapes”.  They have been wronged by the county and are labeled as trying to retaliate for their dismissals. That may have basis, if the list of people, who are suffering– allegedly — from “sour grape syndrome” didn’t hit double digits with the exact same complaints, including slander, defamation, civil rights violations, & discrimination.

No Mr. Ball does not suffer from any of the labels previously used by the GOB to discount people. He cannot be seen as I am by Sheriff Morgan, as a lone nut, who spews lies, “a political terrorist”. Mr. Ball has been silenced for a long time but that silence is broken. He cannot be dismissed as the rest of have.

Mr. Ball drafted a pro se motion to dismiss in June that is skillfully written and could be used by any of the above victims against varying agents of the Escambia corruption machine.  While his assertions may sound outlandish, I say to you that the actions against him are just that outlandish and bringing them to light is the right thing to do.

As I have said many times, the abuses of Escambia GOB are vast enough to be in violation of RICO (Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organization Law). This entails 2 or more felonies committed to further an ongoing criminal enterprise. The justice system in Escambia County is, itself, the criminal enterprise. The felonies are embezzlement, perjury, fraud and the list goes on and on.  Morgan arrests people, Eddins & his minions as well as various judiciary perpetuate the wrongful arrest through the court system to the tune of illegal seizures, defamation, and political gain.  The real violation is of the honest services clause.  According to 2017 Fall edition of  American Criminal Law Review, in an article by Alexander Sanyshyn, the honest services criteria is thus:

 Elements of the Honest-Services Doctrine

To be convicted under § 1346, an individual must (i) defraud the victim of honest services (ii) by accepting a bribe or kickback. n446

Defraud of Honest Services

Generally, a scheme to defraud of honest services takes place in a fiduciary or employer-employee relationship. n447 Such a fiduciary relationship is often present when one manages money for another’s benefit. n448 It may also be present when a voluntary trade association n449 or charitable and nonprofit organization is involved. n450 The employer-employee relationships that may give rise to an honest-services claim range from a shareholder-management relationship n451 to a government employee-private citizen relationship. n452 However, the duties owed by a public official and a private individual differ. n453

 [*1725]  The fraud need not be directly accomplished by the defendant–the defendant need only to have caused fraud to be committedn454 However, the defendant must be aware of, or participate in, the fraud committed by the third party. n455


This lays out the basis for many public corruption cases. The use of public power for private gain is the biggest risk associated with people in power.  The various prongs of corruption, quid pro quo corruption, undue influence in inequality corruption, misuse and abuse of power are all used to further the criminal enterprise that operates as the criminal justice & legal system in Escambia County. There is no justice to had in the system in Pensacola. No one is above the law and while that hasn’t been apparent to most people except those churned out by the system in my hometown, Mr. Ball’s case added to the 7 people in the Billings Case, specifically prove a pattern of behavior that spans over many years & many cases. The totality of injustice is astronomical in Escambia County.

Ron Clark Ball is going to the catalyst case that shines a light on the stuff Willie Junior was killed covering up. Get your popcorn, kids. The show is beginning.

I told Morgan that when he saw me coming, that hell was coming with me. He should be feeling the heat, because I am at his door.



How Vets are Treated in Escambia County

Veterans come back from deployment overseas with numerous problems.  Just living like a civilian is a huge challenge.  Marriages of combat vets are more likely to end in divorce; Afghan & Iraq vets is over-represented in homeless communities and prisons.  The collision course between vets and the justice system has been so prominent that Veterans Courts have become a part of most areas. They deal with the trying to divert veterans into more appropriate ways than typical criminals. There are mitigating factors that throw these men and women returning from active duty combat into a justice system ill-equipped to handle them.

That being said, a case came to me of USMC Staff Sergeant Tim Chandler, a Pensacola native. His experience with the Escambia County Sheriff’s office and the State Attorney as well as the judicial system is laughable if it were not so disastrous. Tim’s PTSD exacerbated his martial issues but I think he can explain it better than I can.


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The REAL Story of the Naomi Investigation & Gaslighting of Suspect

May 31, 2017

2:30 PM—   Naomi is missing

8:35 PM—   Naomi’s mother arrested on outstanding, non-violent, non-drug related       warrant; called Klaas Kids to initiate investigation into daughter’s abduction; Klaas Kids contacted the FBI and FDLE to assist in investigation.

 June 1, 2017

4:26 AM—   Naomi’s mother released. SmartWEB Jail.clipular

8:00 AM—   Investigator assigned to case by ECSO

Naomi was killed with in 36 hours of abduction.  By the time ECSO, began investigation, Naomi has 18 hours or less to live. ECSO wasted 18 hours before starting investigation while simultaneously severing trust with family by arresting mom when she tried to report her daughter missing.

While coming in as the last agency to be involved, Sheriff Morgan held press conferences regularly, creating a facade that the ECSO was working diligently. FDLE was the primary investigating agency, due to the bumbling of ECSO from the beginning.

In my humble opinion, Morgan has blood on his hands

Let the propaganda begin:

On the evening of June 10, on Facebook, I found a post that was quite curious. Robert Howard had been arrested on June 8th for Naomi’s murder. It had been all over the news. Personally, I was hesitant about this man’s guilt due to confidential info I received on the state of Naomi’s body. She was not just strangled. She was mutilated. This guy did not fit the profile. Nevertheless, on Facebook, a friend of a friend posted this with a comment about Howard confessing.


 I found a copy of the arrest report online that I had seen.redacted arrest howard

In communicating with the person who released the unredacted arrest report, I was told that this came from an employee at ECSO.

My question is why release that to mislead people. According to source on inside of ECSO, there was no real confession.  It was an off the cuff comment that is misrepresented in this version of the arrest report.  Had it been a real confession, Sir David would be up there taking credit for the “slam dunk”.  “The SOB confessed” might be the headline of the PNJ (AKA the Mullet Wrapper).  The term gaslighting seems  to fit.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or members of a group, hoping to make targets question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target’s belief. 




Sheriff Morgan: Wrongful Death?

Two weeks ago today, Kayla Crocker had roughly 48 hours to live. Billy Boyette’s latest stolen car was found close to her home with receipts from Walmart showing purchases of camping equipment. Yet with that knowledge, Sheriff David Morgan opted to not bring in bloodhounds to check the woods close to the abandoned car. We now know that for 2 days, Boyette and Rice were in those woods, prior to invading Kayla’s home and brutally murdering her.18047838_1486432270.8322.jpg

Deputies approached me with information because Morgan was ENCOURAGED to use the resources available that could have ended the reign of terror the community felt. Social media was highly involved and invested in this manhunt. Could there be negligence in this lack of law enforcement action, intentionally ignored by Sheriff Morgan? It is worth investigating to say the least. Should Crocker’s people want more info on the deputies that came to me, I would be happy to put them in touch with said people.


Morgan’s lack of law enforcement experience was the pivotal factor here, either that or the good sense God gave a goat. Whichever was the case, this was preventable and his decisions were not congruent with catching this guy.  But he did want the media attention he got for this man’s rampage.


He even went so far as to second guess the teletype from Georgia stating that Billy Boyette and Mary Rice were there. While the standoff is happening in Georgia with someone talking to Boyette, Morgan dispatches a SWAT team to the landfill for a report of a backpacked man walking around.  Even while Morgan is contacted asking him for comment on Boyette’s death, he stammers and is evasive because he still has his men out.  Priceless, Morgan tries to upstage the actual standoff.  He is a piece of work & incompetent to a lethal degree in this case.

Do You Really Know Your Sheriff? PART 1

I wanted to make one last request for the citizens of Escambia County as to the decision to re-elect Sheriff David Morgan for a third term. I have many issues I am going to present over the next few days. I hope you bear with me in the explanation and totality of ALL the issues I put forth. Even if you disagree with any one of the points, please consider them all in consideration as to the job duties and responsibilities that come with being the head law enforcement officer in Escambia County.

  1. In Florida, the duties of Sheriff, as defined by the Florida Statutes are this:

The duties, as enumerated in Chapter 30 of the Florida Statutes, include:.

  • Being conservator of the peace in its county.
  • Suppressing tumults, riots, and unlawful assemblies in its county with force and strong hand when necessary.
  • Apprehending, without warrant, any person disturbing the peace, and carrying that person before the proper judicial officer, that further proceedings may be had against him or her according to law.

Conserving the peace of the county is the primarily deficient role Morgan does not meet. Preserving the peace is, in essence, keeping–CONSERVING–the peace, safety and stability of the county. That means he is responsible for the overall safety of the county. He summarily denies this is his job duty. He claims if people raise their kids right, then the community would be safer. That is a cop out. He is the conservator of the county, as it may be and evolve. That means it is his job to preserve your safety and he is currently not fulfilling that duty and telling the community he will not be responsible for the actions within the community. His contention is that you, the citizens, have that responsibility. HE IS WRONG.

By his own declaration, he will not address the problems of crime.

Be pragmatic; if someone who worked for you failed to fulfill the duties as specified by their job, and who clearly and contemptuously tried to re-write their job description, would you keep them on?

Additionally, he has more legally sound complaints for civil rights violations, particularly from his deputies and administration.  At least a dozen of these lawsuits cite, hostile work environment, sexual & gender discrimination, retaliation against the Sheriff and his close underlings. These deputies are being run off because they are on the wrong side of Morgan. Of the deputies who are suing, the majority are women.

Even if you dismiss the “sour grapes” argument for the employees suing the Sheriff, remember  there are 116 lawsuits that have been filed against this Sheriff. 116 people with attorneys, roughly 200 members of your community who found sufficient evidence to bring court actions against  your Sheriff. An example of what ALL the suits have in common is civil rights violations like this:

  • Defendant, Sheriff Morgan, had in place, a policy, statements, regulation, decision, custom or usage of relying on its deputies completing Statements of Probable Cause without verifying the identity of the accused, either by actual witness identification, or use of either an actual lineup or a photographic lineup.
  • Defendant, Sheriff Morgan, had no policy, statements, regulation, decision, custom or usage in place for verifying the name, social security number, drivers license number, address, phone number, age, date of birth or photograph of a suspect prior to including this infonnation in a probable cause statement or warrant request, or if such policies, statements, regulation, decision, custom or usage were in place, Sheriff Morgan failed to insure that such policies, statements, regulation, decision, custom or usage was being followed.
  •  Defendant, Sheriff Morgan, had prior notice that his deputies were submitting erroneous probable cause statements and failed to take appropriate actions to correct these acts.
  • Defendant, Sheriff Morgan, in failing to adopt and implement appropriate police procedures acted with deliberate indifference to Plaintiff, Hallam’s, Constitutional right to be free from unreasonable seizure as guaranteed by the 4 and 14th Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America.


You may think the Sheriff is good guy and says all the right things, but that isn’t what his job is about. You can be a good guy but a bad leader. Yes, Morgan is charismatic, but he is problematic as a law enforcement officer. Maybe politics outside law enforcement is his calling because let’s look at his record and performance over the last 8 years:

  1. He fails to sufficiently keep the peace and safety of the community.
  2. He has lost more employees than any other Sheriff and he is being sued for mistreatment and civil rights violations from others ie he is a horrible boss.








Just Saying….

So after Mike Thomas was convicted of being a sex offender, the 4 or the 5 deputies that testified as to Thomas’s character overall prior this incident have now become the subject of Internal Affairs investigations for different, very random things since their testimony.

The targeted 4 deputies, according to sources, testified that Thomas was a good cop to their knowledge prior to these charges. The 5th deputy was less definitive about any attributes in Thomas’s past. Apparently, his indifference or lack of positive character testimony neither helped nor hurt the case and left him himself free from retaliation by the vindictive ECSO.

Now this could be coincidental but why hold off 4 simultaneous investigations until the couple of days after the case was over? Surely, if there were questions as to these peoples’ character it might be relevant to their testimony or could these 4 people with 4 different situations become suddenly culpable of these 4 acts within one week’s time? The odds must be astronomical.


On the same note, a  2 key character witnesses in the most high profile case in Pensacola history got just as lucky. Lonnie Douglas Smith & Tony Eisa testified in Gonzalez Jr’s trial the last week of October, 2010 that Gonzalez Jr. approached them about participating in the robbery. They testified that Gonzalez Jr. was shady and a liar. His character was, in their testimony, that of a person capable of this crime—without a doubt.

Bill Eddins allowed these two men to testify in the trial that took place beginning on 10/25/2010.  Strangely enough, Tony Eisa plead guilty to filing a false police report on 10/12/2010 in Santa Rosa County. SANTAROSA CLERK.clipular


Damn good character witness.

Lonnie Smith is even better story. After being arrested 2/24/2010, Smith was arrested for heroin trafficking, oxy possession, crack and cocaine possession.

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Now despite the fact there was significant diversity in drugs and the weight of the heroin, after almost 8 months, Eddins decided not to prosecute the upstanding Smith, just in time for him to testify against Gonzalez Jr. Funny, how that works…

Escambia Clerk of the Circuit Court.clipular (27)