A Reminder


So today, I was reminded of why it is important to not make concessions based on trying to be politically correct. For the last almost 9 years, I have made my life’s mission to help someone who was wrongfully convicted. I don’t make any money and I damn sure don’t make any friends. But it is important and I have no disillusions about the person I am focused on helping. He’s got baggage but the one thing I can say, without hesitation, is his trial was a mockery. If advocating for him is politically incorrect, so be it, but it is the right thing.

Most of all, I want to make one thing absolutely clear, I help the people I help because they have gotten a raw deal. Most of the time, they are marginalized people. I vet the cases and I stand behind all of them. I do that because it is the right thing to do. It is literally that simple. I don’t befriend people because they can advance me or my causes, and I don’t ostracize people for their own peculiarities or because they are politically toxic. That’s not me. I am very much the person who follows my own moral compass, rather than the popular views of others. I call few my friends and I rarely have been proven wrong because I have an instinct for people. If I call you a friend, I will go through hell and high water for you. If I don’t call you a friend, don’t expect that to change.

Having said all that, I recently went against my better judgment and welcomed someone I called a friend back into my life. This person walked away because of my views on national politics. I was floored because it never crossed my mind to isolate or cut a friend loose over something so ridiculous. This person felt it was perfectly ok and my intuition told me that letting them walk was in my best interest. After the absurdity of the national election, this person wanted to reconnect. Against my own inner voice, I decided maybe it was a good thing to let bygones be bygones. But today, because Trump was acquitted, I was told that an agreement among friends might not be honored.

If national politics determines whether you help a friend or support a cause that is right, then you have no place in my life. I knew, inevitably, this situation would crop up again, because this person clearly only sees me as a one dimensional person who is the sum total of my national political view; I’m not a friend; I’m not a confidant. I’m not someone they value, warts and all. I can’t accept that. I give more than that and if that kind of mutual respect isn’t a reciprocated, The relationship is done. Being my friend can be difficult because I have strong beliefs that aren’t always shared, I realize there is a huge majority of people who have no backbone to stand for what’s right for that simple purpose it is right and nothing else. I get that. But when a friend, or a supposed friend, decides that national politics trumps a friendship, then it’s time to cut the loss and move on.

"I never had to hang my head in shame
For puttin' a price tag on my name
Never turned my back on what I believe
Or let my heart be ruled by greed
'Cause buddy if I didn't earn it, I don't want it
That way I can always say, I got it honest

Now you ain't looking at some dude
That was born with a Silver spoon in his mouth
And I might seem like some kind of low-life
To that high-falutin' crowd
But I'm plain spoken, straight talkin'
And damn proud of what I have accomplished
Some folks appreciate that and some don't
But, I got it honest"

Don’t Be a Jerk! It’s Christmas.

santa morganSo many things keep going on continually painting a picture of who the true Sheriff is. The man many of us have seen for years–pathological, irrational, sociopathic, vengeful, petty, and ridiculous to sum it up. His tyrannical tantrum in front of the Secret Service trying to carry his pearl handled pistol in to the Presidential rally, was unmentioned in the news, despite being news worthy.  He claimed to be the “fucking Sheriff of this fucking county” to which the Secret Service responded,  (I’m paraphrasing), “We don’t care who you are; you are not getting in to see the President with that gun”. Who does that? DUH!! Who thinks that would fly in this day and age?  This man is seriously disconnected from reality.

Much like this hissy fit is the crying wolf about pay compression to the Governor.  The most amazing thing is how viciously Eric Haines jumps to be nasty to Chairman Jeff Bergosh openly on social media. He sounds much like Underling speaking to his constituents. But the thing I love the most is that Haines talks a lot about the indiscretions of his subordinates that “break the chain of command”.  Being the ever diligent hypocrite, as a subordinate in ECSO which is equal with County Commission on the food chain of the county, he breaks the chain of command to attack anyone on behalf of the ECSO. He does not have the standing to make the assertions he does. The sheriff is the spokesman of the agency. It would be akin to having a little kid of one house screeching at the head of the household of his neighbor. Not only is it bad form, it has no authority. He just looks like a spoiled little kid, lashing out.

Besides his inappropriateness, his diatribe of “pay compression” is a fallacy.  If the average citizen had all the facts would be able to see right through. So in the spirit of keeping up the revolutionary act of putting the facts and truth out for the public to decide for themselves, I am going to release 2016’s W2’s numbers and a break down of what they mean.


The raw data with names:

2017-12-23 (12)

Ronald Clark Ball

ron clark ball falcon at DuckDuckGo.clipular

Mr. Ball’s incarceration marks the point of no return in the crusade to de-throne corruption in Escambia County. Mr. Ball, being an author, a man of prestige & a globally renown lecturer in the understanding of the cyber threat as it relates to National Security, has become the latest name to the list of victims of abuse of power throughout the Escambia County government. Mr. Ball is not the typical victim, because he is not of a lesser demographic; he’s not a minority, nor a socio-economic nobody that is usually the profile of people marginalized by the Escambia corruption machine. People like Pat Gonzalez, or Michelle Clarke are denigrated by the “honorable” elite of the county due to their backgrounds or prior bad acts. People like Philip Nix, Bill Chavers, Gene Valentino, Anita Hemphill, Laura Montoya or the honorable other citizens who are outspoken in the abuses of the county,  are said to be suffering from a technical term by Sheriff Morgan known as “sour grapes”.  They have been wronged by the county and are labeled as trying to retaliate for their dismissals. That may have basis, if the list of people, who are suffering– allegedly — from “sour grape syndrome” didn’t hit double digits with the exact same complaints, including slander, defamation, civil rights violations, & discrimination.

No Mr. Ball does not suffer from any of the labels previously used by the GOB to discount people. He cannot be seen as I am by Sheriff Morgan, as a lone nut, who spews lies, “a political terrorist”. Mr. Ball has been silenced for a long time but that silence is broken. He cannot be dismissed as the rest of have.

Mr. Ball drafted a pro se motion to dismiss in June that is skillfully written and could be used by any of the above victims against varying agents of the Escambia corruption machine.  While his assertions may sound outlandish, I say to you that the actions against him are just that outlandish and bringing them to light is the right thing to do.

As I have said many times, the abuses of Escambia GOB are vast enough to be in violation of RICO (Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organization Law). This entails 2 or more felonies committed to further an ongoing criminal enterprise. The justice system in Escambia County is, itself, the criminal enterprise. The felonies are embezzlement, perjury, fraud and the list goes on and on.  Morgan arrests people, Eddins & his minions as well as various judiciary perpetuate the wrongful arrest through the court system to the tune of illegal seizures, defamation, and political gain.  The real violation is of the honest services clause.  According to 2017 Fall edition of  American Criminal Law Review, in an article by Alexander Sanyshyn, the honest services criteria is thus:

 Elements of the Honest-Services Doctrine

To be convicted under § 1346, an individual must (i) defraud the victim of honest services (ii) by accepting a bribe or kickback. n446

Defraud of Honest Services

Generally, a scheme to defraud of honest services takes place in a fiduciary or employer-employee relationship. n447 Such a fiduciary relationship is often present when one manages money for another’s benefit. n448 It may also be present when a voluntary trade association n449 or charitable and nonprofit organization is involved. n450 The employer-employee relationships that may give rise to an honest-services claim range from a shareholder-management relationship n451 to a government employee-private citizen relationship. n452 However, the duties owed by a public official and a private individual differ. n453

 [*1725]  The fraud need not be directly accomplished by the defendant–the defendant need only to have caused fraud to be committedn454 However, the defendant must be aware of, or participate in, the fraud committed by the third party. n455


This lays out the basis for many public corruption cases. The use of public power for private gain is the biggest risk associated with people in power.  The various prongs of corruption, quid pro quo corruption, undue influence in inequality corruption, misuse and abuse of power are all used to further the criminal enterprise that operates as the criminal justice & legal system in Escambia County. There is no justice to had in the system in Pensacola. No one is above the law and while that hasn’t been apparent to most people except those churned out by the system in my hometown, Mr. Ball’s case added to the 7 people in the Billings Case, specifically prove a pattern of behavior that spans over many years & many cases. The totality of injustice is astronomical in Escambia County.

Ron Clark Ball is going to the catalyst case that shines a light on the stuff Willie Junior was killed covering up. Get your popcorn, kids. The show is beginning.

I told Morgan that when he saw me coming, that hell was coming with me. He should be feeling the heat, because I am at his door.



“MAJOR DRUG BUST” Purely Accidental


Sir David got some face time with this drug bust done several days ago. He was out of town at a marketing conference in New Orleans. This also allowed him time to develop this overblown story of a 4 year investigation that culminated in the seizure of $500K  of drugs.  There are many details of this “investigation” that are being propagated & are false.

To clarify, this pursuit may have been originated 4 years ago, but was it continually worked and on-going? The answer is yes and no. The dealer, Alfred Hayes, went by the nickname “E”. E has been tracked by a “stingray”. The deputies got a line that a deal was going down but prematurely hit the house only to find the money for drugs and no actual drugs. The money “was seized” but no arrests were made and paradoxically, the money was never recorded at the ECSO.

This week, the “bust” in the spotlight, a source who was inside the holding area reported Melissa Buchanan was stopped on a routine traffic stop. No one knows her from Adam. She is in possession and trafficking of a quantity of methamphetamine and is taken into custody. In the holding room at the ECSO, she is overheard trying to cover her own ass to try to make a deal. She calls E but he’s callous as to her arrest but she gives him 30 minutes to arrange her release. After the time expired, in her panic and feeling of being shunned, she dimed him and his cousins out. E is the grandson of a woman that owns a nursing home. The family had been selling prescription drugs of people who had passed on.  This is common knowledge in the community.

The prevarication of events in the press conference were a self-serving narrative developed over the days following these arrests for maximum political collateral for Sir David’s re-election efforts.  An accidental arrest turned sting…not a prolonged investigative effort that finally paid off.  Misdirection and misrepresentation of events…sounds vaguely familiar for the stories Sir David likes to deliver to the unknowing people of the county.




VMO 2016 #4: Allows Deputies to be Thugs

#4-Allows Deputies to be Thugs

Once again, even though it goes back to leadership, this behavior of letting deputies like Thomas, Smith, the Von Ansbach Young clan, Haines, and the various other Morgan men who do what they damn well please, there will never be any respect for the department. People in society will only live up to the standard they have to and with deputies doing what they please by allowing sex offenders access to children or bailing them out while trying to justify these actions are seen as playing favorites and creating a double standard that could be defined as law enforcement vs common man or for the sake of argument, white man’s crimes vs black man’s crimes. All the deputies mentioned are white.

Race is not always the card being played, however, when the appearance that it COULD be is enough to throw the gauntlet down on race relations in Escambia County. This sort of double dealing of justice makes  it possible to offer the theory that race is the motive more so than criminality. Isn’t that just what Escambia County and Pensacola needs–a reason to validate suspicions of ingrained racists within the higher levels of  law enforcement?

Haines and the Von Ansbach Young clan believe they are above the law. Hell before they took it down, Erin Ambrose had pictures of her schmoozing with Circuit Court Judges and their families on a social level. This sort of relationship creates a conflict of interest and unfortunately there is far too much of that already. Fraternizing with clients, customers, co-workers and colleagues gets most people fired.


Why is that? Because of the fact, as humans and “friends”, people want to be accepted. That need allows criminal beh10473866_10204243856329120_2942019695593477156_navior or character flaws to be ignored due to friendship rather than being impartial and applying justice equally. But don’t take my word for it. Look at Ms. Ambrose, the Von Ansbach Youngs and poor Marbc64e-escambia2bsheriff2527s2bk-92btops2bat2bnational2btrials2b-2bstuder2bcommunity2binstitute-clipulark Smith, why should they give up their fun times together because of a little bit of ethics?  Not everybody dines with a judge and a pedophile at one table.

Yes He is “That Guy”

outzen cartoon

Yes, he is “that guy”. That guy who is the repeater (not reporter) & sounding board of the Honorable David Morgan’s personal & professional agendas. He’s that guy who sold his soul to Sir David for his mistress, Sena Maddison to have a non-deserved and poorly done job at the ECSO. He is the guy when questioned on why he did not bring up valid points in the Billings case indicating and linking corrupt officials to extend a narrative to national press that got on the offense with no answer as to what he sold his journalist integrity for. This is the guy who tells the NY Times about his dogged dedication to finding “the truth” while he sits complacently by & watches a false narrative be sold as the truth. This is the guy who talks about the certainty of David Craig’s role in the cover up of the murders of Byrd & Melainie Billings, while he cannot justify his inability to bring it to life, causing at least 3 people to be in jail for murders they could not have committed—one on Death Row. He is that guy,
BookShop: I’m That Guy http://ow.ly/LuUVE