Bullshit, Bob!!


In 2013, I started blogging because I felt I had a civic duty to start a conversation about the stories & issues not being discussed in the media. No one was acknowledging the shameless abuses of power. Today, I still have that same fire and passion. I absolutely believe that people have an aversion to those who violate public integrity. Nevertheless, with the 24 hour news bombardment, we have been anesthetized to things that don’t affect us directly. We want to believe that people who are arrested are justifiably guilty or else they wouldn’t have been arrested. How could we live without certain axioms or presumptions about society? The trust in officials is ingrained into the consciousness, as it should be. In researching and investigating Escambia County justice, my understanding of crime and criminals changed. The good guys aren’t always the “good guys”; the bad guys don’t always get punished. While I knew sociopaths gravitate to positions of power to get the juice they need to indulge their every whim, I never conceptualized the extent of truth about that. Ultimately, respect is  lost for the law and justice system, starting with the officers themselves in these cases. I was told once, “there is no justice to be had in Florida.”  Indeed, the administration staff in the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office, as is the admin staff of Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, shows no semblance of integrity or duty of care to the public.

In this blog, I will be posting THE Internal Affairs Report that sent Scott Haines out of the agency, but I would like to first put a podcast clip up that seems more propaganda than fact, based on the documentation.

On September 6, 2021, Santa Rosa Sheriff Bob Johnson spoke on NewsRadio923. I clipped this portion of interest. 

Here is a transcript of that clip:

…. But I did want to at least give you a chance to address the situation with Scott Haines,
who had prior disciplinary issues within the Department. Whatever you can tell people, I’ll let you give you a chance to tell people.

Sheriff Bob Johnson
Yeah. And unfortunately, there’s an ongoing investigation by another law enforcement entity, so I can’t really discuss it much. But I can just tell you if you looked at our agency over the past five years that I’ve been shared, we take care of discipline. So if one of our guys or gals acts out and does
something, they get punished for it and you make bad choices, you get bad consequences. And that’s just basically what occurred here is that.

And I know it’s not that common, but having to discipline internally your officers, how frequent of a
thing is that? And I don’t just mean they make some mistake. That’s a training issue where they’re
really doing something that they definitely shouldn’t be doing where it’s a problem.

Sheriff Bob Johnson
It’s not that common. We’re pretty blessed. We have probably 400 sworn counting the deputies that
work in the jail. And it’s not very common. It’s like you hear in the national news when my officer does something stupid on camera and we all get blamed for it. Less than 1% of the officers in this country tarnish the badge less than 1%. That’s better than doctors and lawyers. So we take care of our own in that aspect of if you’re a bad cop, we don’t want you there. It makes us all look bad.

Sheriff Bob Johnson
And sooner or later, a bad cop is going to do something to where we can get rid of them. And
unfortunately, we have to do that not on a regular basis. But since I’ve been shared, probably in five
years, fire and law enforcement officers and Correctional officers, probably in five years, maybe 15
times at the most. Maybe I’d say closer to ten, probably. Yeah, it’s not very common.

And it’s, as you say, it’s the very few that make for the vivid news story. Just like when you watch
fictional accounts of police, it’s the corrupt one to the vigilante style or the incompetent one that
creates an expectation which just isn’t borne out by the reality. And it’s hard to tell the good story
when things go right. Because when things go right, that typically doesn’t. We try to focus on the good as much as we can. But that’s not really going to grab the headlines most of the time

So what Bob is insinuating is recently committed violations of policy or law, committed by Scott which required discipline. But is that true? NO! The 9 Supervisory Inquiries that repetitively involved sexual misconduct or harassment, surfing porn, etc. Let’s not forget the 2020 shitshow in Escambia County, where Scott feigned suicidal ideations to get access to a co-worker. There is dispatcher to dispatcher reporting of this to Sheriff Johnson. Yet not only is it never cited within his disciplinary history, never psychologically evaluated. This is Baker Act material—no question. Yet it was swept under the rug and never gets even an “honorable mention” in his moral integrity evaluation.  C’mon Bob. This guy did more than any one officer should be

It is clear Bob Johnson has been aware of Scotts hijinks for years. He oversaw many disciplinary concerns prior to being elected as Sheriff. Prior to Jan 2017, there were 5 Supervisory Inquiries & 3 full on IA’s. “Porngate” & “Repo Nights” are among the highlights.

Now we see what the straw was that broke the camel’s back. The IA (that was not disclosed even after I balked at the number of IA’s. Even on 9/14/2021, when Adam Riddle informed me the 3 were all there was but there was 10 Supervisory Inquiries) that caused Scott to be terminated is revealed.

There are so many things that need to be pointed out and discussed. There are numerous highlighted areas that I will be delving into but for today, notice the dates and the one glaring issue is the unanimous vote to terminate Scott, yet he “retired”. Once everyone agrees there is a violation and agreed on the punishment, he should be terminated. Allowing him to resign only works prior to that board vote. They voted. He is fired before he “retired”. Don’t know how that works.

I am going to put this out there for everyone to draw their own conclusions. Without further adieu:

The Brick in the Wall is Wiggling

Morgan-scandal meme

When people ask me how I expect to effect change in a place I no longer live, I tell them that I will do all I can do. I know this mission is bigger than I ever expected it to be or more massive than I could take on alone. I’ve been blessed with assistance from people who are more willing, today, to see what I have told them all along. There is a big wall of corruption in Escambia County that has been in place for generations. They’ve gotten sloppy; they have put a very weak-minded man to give the keys to the kingdom.

This big corrupt wall has a lose brick. That brick is Sir David. He cannot handle the reality of the situation that he has squandered his time and people’s resources in a fashion which makes him the weakest link in the chain or the loose rock in the wall. We all know if Morgan falls, he’s going to squeal like a stuck pig. He has no loyalty and was the very least equipped to be what the money men need him to be. He’s going to be found under a house or fall off the face of the planet. I believe that with all my heart.

We have seen this in the past with some of the previous “rats” in Escambia County. I don’t have to name names. You know whom I am referring. Sir David has crossed some very bad people in his need for attention without regard to the consequences. He is cracking under the pressure.


The problem here is that to be in political areas, to claim the ring as the prize of an elected position, you have to be able represent the people, be it one or million, you must have the balls to do what is necessary. These two little bitches both show the pouty lower lip, like little babies during a temper tantrum. Really Sandy? Really Fred? Is this who you think will be the guy to hold the political capital you are giving him?


VMO2016 #5-Sheriff Morgan’s Money Handling Skills Need Attention

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

In September 2015, Sir David jeopardized the Filipino-American Club’s tax exempt status. As a 501(c)3 non-profit, they have to abstain from political activity in any form and be complete apolitical . Yet they rented out their building, which they own, to the Republican candidate Morgan. This is violation that the IRS does not let slide easily. This was one of many of Morgan’s “karaoke night” fundraisers which fellow blogger Dr. James Scamanaci was escorted out of by Chief Deputy Haines even though he paid the $10 donation entrance fee to the event.  Yes, I said entrance fee and donation in the same sentence.

But the onus was not merely on the Filipino-American Club, Sir David should have done his due diligence to not put a supportive organization under the gun for involvement in his campaign, but he didn’t.  Not that anyone is surprised.

Florida Statute 106
(b) Candidates, political committees, affiliated party committees, and political parties may not solicit contributions from any religious, charitable, civic, or other causes or organizations established primarily for the public good.
(c) Candidates, political committees, affiliated party committees, and political parties may not make contributions, in exchange for political support, to any religious, charitable, civic, or other cause or organization established primarily for the public good.

IMG_0271 (1)



On October 27, 2015, the Irish Politicians Club hosted a fundraiser with high dollar people, supposedly in attendance, like Sandy Sansing & Jim Reeves.  These guys give and give big.  Yet look at the total amount of contributions reported for this “high dollar” event.Candidate Reports - Candidate Log In.clipular (3)

Somehow with all the money people hosting Sir David, he only walked out of this fundraiser with $100 cash from 1 couple. Really? No one else gave to Morgan ?  The cost of the invitations and flyers alone wouldn’t be worth it.  For just $100.  I would suspect that the money NOT REPORTED that changed hands or perhaps the fact that out of all the people there who supposedly hosted this event, Sir David failed to impress, thus not receiving funds.  Either way, there is something rotten going on and it is a pattern of behavior for Sir David.

Given that Greg Marcille had Greg Fink arrested for failing to have a disclaimer on the bottom of a flyer, it stands to reason that NOT REPORTING CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS & ACCEPTING FUNDS IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATUTES ie Filipino-American Club.

So which is it did Sir David just blow an opportunity to wow the elite of the community or did he embezzle the funds he collected?  I say embezzle because money off the books is embezzlement.

Statutes & Constitution -View Statutes - Online Sunshine.clipular (3)


VMO 2016 #4: Allows Deputies to be Thugs

#4-Allows Deputies to be Thugs

Once again, even though it goes back to leadership, this behavior of letting deputies like Thomas, Smith, the Von Ansbach Young clan, Haines, and the various other Morgan men who do what they damn well please, there will never be any respect for the department. People in society will only live up to the standard they have to and with deputies doing what they please by allowing sex offenders access to children or bailing them out while trying to justify these actions are seen as playing favorites and creating a double standard that could be defined as law enforcement vs common man or for the sake of argument, white man’s crimes vs black man’s crimes. All the deputies mentioned are white.

Race is not always the card being played, however, when the appearance that it COULD be is enough to throw the gauntlet down on race relations in Escambia County. This sort of double dealing of justice makes  it possible to offer the theory that race is the motive more so than criminality. Isn’t that just what Escambia County and Pensacola needs–a reason to validate suspicions of ingrained racists within the higher levels of  law enforcement?

Haines and the Von Ansbach Young clan believe they are above the law. Hell before they took it down, Erin Ambrose had pictures of her schmoozing with Circuit Court Judges and their families on a social level. This sort of relationship creates a conflict of interest and unfortunately there is far too much of that already. Fraternizing with clients, customers, co-workers and colleagues gets most people fired.


Why is that? Because of the fact, as humans and “friends”, people want to be accepted. That need allows criminal beh10473866_10204243856329120_2942019695593477156_navior or character flaws to be ignored due to friendship rather than being impartial and applying justice equally. But don’t take my word for it. Look at Ms. Ambrose, the Von Ansbach Youngs and poor Marbc64e-escambia2bsheriff2527s2bk-92btops2bat2bnational2btrials2b-2bstuder2bcommunity2binstitute-clipulark Smith, why should they give up their fun times together because of a little bit of ethics?  Not everybody dines with a judge and a pedophile at one table.

VMO 2016 #2- Sheriff David Morgan is a FRAUD!

Sir David claims to be knighted, which Dr. James Scaminaci proved was not as Morgan claimed. He misrepresented himself as being a leader of a military unit that he did not lead. He wears his medals on his dress uniform, in a fashion that is out of step with the military honor format. He is simply a false facade with no credibility which is apparent in the chaos of his department.

Leaders lead from the top down. The lowest of men must be a representation of them all. That is how it works. If you have deputies that sex offenders who still have a job, that conveys the affinity the leaders over those deputies have with their officers. It is very much a parent-child relationship. Look at the kid and you will see the parents. Especially in Escambia County, the reflection of the men in the community is that they are not doing their job; they are bullies with badges; they victimize people routinely. Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that as long as these people with bad behavior are allowed to keep their jobs in light of unethical, immoral and flat-out criminal practices, that either Sir David is blind or he is facilitating everything these deputies do.

Malfeasance Compounded

Chief Deputy Eric Haines disclosed to me in a Facebook conversation a very important detail to me :

10/4, 7:33am

There are no, as in zero, videos of any deputies, including the two who were arrested with the underage girls. There are not even pictures documenting any illegal activity. No one including the girls themselves have accused any other deputies of any other illegal activity. I know you believe there is and have been told there is but it is not true. This truth will come out in trial. 

Now there are a number of problems with these statements.

  1. The probable cause warrant to search the house discussed video and photo evidence.
  2. The evidence was actually seized and people were arrested based on this now, non-existent evidence.
  3. If there was no such evidence, on what grounds did the ECSO destroy 4 adults lives without any evidence? Where is the due diligence? (this is rhetorical because everyone is aware there was initially video/photo evidence that resulted in the arrests of these people)

What Chief is telling me here is this:

There is no longer any evidence, albeit by virtue of incompetence or wrongful acts. These victims will not see justice so that 2 deputies can remain deputies.hive of scum & villany

The natural question becomes how can the ECSO do something like this? What about the State Attorney’s office? It appears the SAO has climbed into bed with Sir David on this because they are trying to QUIETLY plead this case down to misdemeanors instead of felonies. However, it will not be “quietly” on my watch.

I am a mother (who has never lost custody of my own kids, contrary to anything Mrs. Patterson claims) and a human being who cannot help but feel like it is my duty to jump in when I see something this grossly harmful and hateful done to anyone much less young girls who have no knowledge or understanding of the many ways they are being exploited, abused, and re-victimized.  How dare anyone take the liberty to diminish the rights of the innocent over the rights of the sexually deviant.

So here’s what I’m gonna do. I am going to repost all the stuff about these predators who wear badges, including you, Chief, because if you don’t stop the problem, then you are the problem.

sexual predator

~~~~~~~~~Poetic Justice~~~~~~~~~~


There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done.” All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.”

C.S. Lewis

http://www.weartv.com/template/flashplayers/jwplayer/dev/files/embed.html?video=2015/08/clips/YzIyNTdmNzQwMmIz&cdn=wear&adzone=undefined&autoP=false&poster=http://www.weartv.com/news/features/top-stories/stories//images/shooting-impact-on-community_59714.jpg&event=iframeplayer&googleID=UA-3818718-13&parent=http://www.weartv.com<script src=”http://www.weartv.com/template/flashplayers/jwplayer/dev/files/embed.js”></script&gt;

A Brief Discussion with Fred Levin


Candidate Reports - Candidate Log In.clipular

Yesterday, in my frustration, I called to set up a time for a call with Mr. Fred Levin. For those who know, he is the major influence in Pensacola. His political clout can make or break an election. To my surprise and completely off guard, Mr. Levin was able to speak with me right then and there. It was brief but qualitative.

I expressed my concern for the overall perception of Pensacola because of asshats like Morgan and what all he’s doing that is going to be imminently uncovered. I mentioned his financial misappropriation and the sexual discrimination within the Sheriff’s office that is so prevalent that it borders on class action status, according to Marie Mattox. Mr. Levin told me that he had supported Morgan in the past and he realized the image being cast in the public forum that disgraces us all. Morgan being a liability for Pensacola was clear. Mr. Levin seemed unaware of the lawsuits pending by so many employees, particularly women but he suggested that the strongest candidate for Sheriff is John Johnson who announced his official bid yesterday. Mr. Levin suggested I contact Mr. Johnson with all the information I had. He believed that would be the best course of action.

While this may not seem like much, this tells me there is a divide in Levin and Morgan. We all know what that means. Whether Levin supports Johnson or Baldwin or the man on the moon, it seems like he sees Morgan for the liability he is. I would go so far as to say Morgan is a political pariah. This is good news for Escambia County.