SRSO Scandal: Part 4-Eric Haines


There has been speculation that Eric has been a part of Scott’s circle of cadres, but both of them claimed to have nothing to do with the other. I have suspected it was a smoke screen but without proof, it was just a theory. 

Well now there is definitive proof. I requested a Master Name Index Lookup on Scott in Escambia County. This is what I found:

Scott-Haines---MNI-Transaction-Log-Redacted-unlocked cropped

So what this shows is that Eric Adam Haines was actively looking at his brother’s info in real time during the 10/28/20 stalking of Marivel Meister. He had no legitimate reason for using his resources. This shows a violation of policy and possibly, a violation of law, to check up on his brother. That establishes a connection to include Eric in this conspiracy.

What is intriguing to me is that Matt was falsely arrested in Dec. 2015 for exploitation of the elderly. During this same approximate time in Escambia, that same allegation was being leveraged by Eric on Philip Nix. Ultimately resulting in Phil being terminated. The irony of this is when Matt first contacted me about his grandmother and Scott, I immediately conferenced in Phil Nix to listen to Matt’s story. Phil ended up getting Marie Mattox to represent Matt. Now this all happened after this dual accusation, but it seems to be a pattern of behavior, similarity in thinking. Although in Phil’s case, APS was never contacted by the ECSO, which should have been done. Matt had APS investigating already in his case and had a determination of no wrong doing. But it was only a half-hearted attempt on Eric’s part as he didn’t follow his own accusation. It would have been fruitless but the effort should have been made to seriously think anyone would believe his concern. Also, FDLE found no cause for termination in Phil’s case, just as APS and, in time, the Santa Rosa court system in Matt’s case. Just an observation.

Next installment will address the “Facilitators”, beginning with Sheriff Bob Johnson

A Long Time Coming…


I have procrastinated in making this particular post for some very personal reasons. On Nov. 20, 1992, Joanna Otto was seen for the last time by her friends. I didn’t know Joanna, but I had seen her in the halls of Woodham High. We were both in the same grade & had mutual friends. Her disappearance hit me hard due to the fact, I had just stepped out of the crazy lifestyle just days prior to that November day.

I was a regular at Fountain & Falls, next to Cordova Lanes. It was a pool hall with mini golf. No booze, just a place for kids. So many people who would have never met, bonded in that place. Being young, reckless and stupid, I hung out with people I never really knew. We all did brainless things like drinking (among other things). I put myself in a compromised position

Joanna & I could have passed each other at her apartment complex or even at some parties. I would have been a soft target and could have easily been taken without a trace. I always wonder how many times I cheated death or harm in those days. But I feared nothing.

My entire life I had been told I was unable to have kids, due to medical issues. As a result, I was not as protected as I should have been. Thankfully, there was a legion of angels watching over me. I met my husband in August of that year and found myself pregnant at the time Joanna went missing. Ironically, my son was conceived on my 18th birthday, October 2, 1992. Just prior to Halloween, I found out and I married my husband soon after.

One of the people I hung out with at Fountain & Falls, Chris Edwards, was murdered at a party in Feb. 1993 by another person I knew. Becoming pregnant, the most farfetched scenario at the time changed the course of history. I would have been at this party, without a doubt. It was celebration of a couple of birthdays of my people in my clique. I knew everyone that was there. Chris O’Brien, a bit of an outsider, walked up to Chris Edwards (aka Tito) and shot him in the head. Some petty bullshit led to that but I was traumatized vicariously because of this. But then to learn later, that Joanna, a young lady my age, who I saw in the hallway at Woodham High just walked out of existence, hit much closer to home.

So honoring Kathy Hoseid, Joanna’s mother, at this time of year, I ask everyone reading this, for any info on Joanna’s disappearance to please contact me or the ECSO. If you know anything about the people involved, or if you heard anything connected to Joanna, email, text, call me. I will look into anything brought to me. We all need to know what happened to Joanna.

This post is just a homage to those who vanished. Sometimes we all need a reminder of why we are on this planet. Every so often, we should be so lucky as to have an opportunity see where the path not taken led.

Santa Rosa Fiasco


I wanted to apologize for the sparse posts. I have been overwhelmed with information that just keeps on coming. That’s a good thing. I just have to get the info out. Bear with me.

I started blogging to expose the corruption in NW Florida. Honestly, I didn’t think it would be so pervasive or cancerous as it is. Allowing predators with badges to continue to terrorize a community is unacceptable and irredeemable. My intent is not to go after Bob Johnson or David Morgan but when all roads of corruption lead back to the people who enable them, ie the Sheriffs in this case. Being the head of an agency empowers the person in that seat. They can make or break lives depending on how they wield their influence and authority. In the cases I’ve been researching, the cases I have, I have found both Johnson & Morgan act as co-conspirators with the deviants they allow to be employed. Scott Haines and Eric Haines are predators who feed on those below them. Johnson & Morgan both know that and feel it business as usual to cover up these brothers’ crimes against their respective communities.

II have been shocked by the openly corrupt practices in Santa Rosa. I thought nothing could be Morgan’s predatory tenure, but I was wrong. Scott Haines beguiling Dorothy Rogers was so heinous I had to look into it. Once I started pulling that thread, so much more came to light. The funny part is that the day I got the call from Dorothy Rogers grandson, I had just had a conversation with a former ECSO deputy. We were talking about all the stuff Eric had done and this former deputy said Scott was obviously the “good” brother. He told me that he didn’t understand how the brothers could be so different. That night the curtain was pulled back showing Scott was just as much of a parasite as Eric. Many others have said similar things because no one was talking about all the shit Scott was doing. I didn’t have an contacts/sources in Santa Rosa. But once I started writing about this, quite a few people have contacted me. I have been told no one has ever brought criticism on the deeds of SRSO. There are various comments of interest on, but without corroboration it is just talk. Now though, things are being dragged out into the light. Most all of it comes back to
Scott and Bob Johnson. Now on with the info I have uncovered.

So one of the “Supervisory Inquiries” (that did not rise to the level of an IA, according to Sheriff Bob Johnson) is extremely bold and unbelievably, ruled “unfounded”. It is the encounter in which Scott feared for Brandy Wallace’s safety after her husband, Chris Wallace found out about an affair she had with Scott. So let me see if I understand this: Scott is screwing this guy’s wife and tells his superiors that he fears for Brandy’s safety, prompting all this attention to focus on the husband rather than on him. WTF?

If he feared for her safety at any point prior to “getting caught”, he had a duty to report it. But he waited until he was confronted by superiors to divulge this. That dog don’t hunt. Here is the “unfounded” supervisory inquiry:

I just don’t understand how Haines’s role in the disintegration of this marriage wasn’t an issue. Now let’s juxtapose this incidence in 2017 with the incident in 2020 in Escambia, where Haines tried to force his way into another subordinate’s home–another woman with whom he had a sexual relationship.

There are histrionics with that encounter. I got further insight into that night:

Both of these situations are DV issues, yet there is no fallout for Scott for the second one. Why? If this man, was suicidal, should he be an SRSO active officer?

I thought this little clip was interesting. It is from the “dildo panty” case. It seems if Scott sent pictures to a subordinate of someone else’s penis, it would be ok…

The “Honorable Sheriff” Finally Has Been Shamed Over Misappropriation


Former Sheriff Morgan paid $75k on 2 bronze statutes to put in front of the ECSO. He used money that should have been used on resources internally like upgrading equipment, investigations and training. I don’t know how many times over the years I have said this jackass routinely misuses funds he is in charge of. Look at the money piddled away on political capital via the LET funds. The back pay of the deputies that is still in limbo and hasn’t been paid out to date. The Honorable Sheriff came up with an algorithm to give the deputies their dues. It spreads them out over time. But so many of those guys have been forced out of the agencies before they got what was due. What happened to that money???

Morgan was rumored to have misused a government credit card when he was in the Air Force. I definitely see a pattern of behavior. There are so many other times he has been irresponsibly played with funds. When you have accounting officials skimming for years, without detection, you must question the oversight of all monies into and out of this agency. If there are checks and balances, embezzlement would be detected in short order. But the CFO Henrique Dias never scrutinized anything, because he was too busy manipulating other monies at the behest of Morgan. Then you have Pam Childers, the comptroller, who doesn’t verify funds are spent appropriately concerning LET funds. What else is she not looking at?

This statute is so characteristic of this egomaniac, His malignant narcissism (Malignant narcissism is a psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder and sadism. ) will not allow him to quietly fade into the ether. He has shown time and time again that his overblown sense of self importance exists in every action and every word he uses.

Now he has agreed to buy the his own statute. But shouldn’t he pay for both? Potts could not have commissioned and approved spending on a statute of himself. Morgan did. So why is Chip allowing the money on that statute be wasted as well?

Andy Marlette chimed in:

After news of the shameful sculpture broke, Morgan later took to a radio show staged by uncritical questions from his personal friend and InWeekly publisher Rick Outzen to claim that he would reimburse the cost of his statue. Outzen said that would make the story “go away.”

Yeah right!! This is just the beginning. Outzen is completely disconnected to anything dealing with Morgan and his misdeeds.

Strangely enough, Marlette wants this to be put out on display.

The sculpture of Morgan is an allegory.   
Just as the crowned lady near Ellis Island represents “liberty” or the blindfolded scale-bearer represents “justice,” the self-commissioned self-portrait of David Morgan will forever stand as a perfectly fitting portrayal of Pensacola’s political class.
It embodies the ongoing shame and shortcomings of self-obsessed white men who have consistently wormed themselves into the highest perches of power. Yes, it is a statue of David Morgan. But it is also a reflection of ourselves. A symbol of our community. A sign of the times.
And this is why it must stand — as public art that tells an important and ongoing public story about those who hold power in this place we all call home…..But let it be seen

Pensacola news journal, Aug. 20, 2021

This little rant is reminiscent of the same argument I and others have made in the past. Isn’t that justification to have the Confederate monuments stand? Morgan has harmed so many people in the community and if it is necessary to memorialize him as a symbol of the era of his reign, then it is just as necessary to memorialize the other men of the community and their actions/legacy. Morgan has been responsible for the community losing good deputies, not acting on sexual predators within his command, misappropriating money that benefitted him only and this is just part of his betrayal of public trust. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been victimized by Morgan. Let’s not forget the astonishing growth of his net worth while being a public servant.. The millionaire sheriff.

So come on Marlette, let’s keep all the statues where they belong in the public forum, to remind people of the atrocities. This is a direct parallel, except the Confederates didn’t personally commission their own statutes. The community made that decision. But hey, Confederate officers deserve to be relegated to a corner of a museum. We don’t want anyone remembering history. Better they should not take heed of past event, to more easily facilitate repetition of such things.

Honest Conversation About Veltkamp Shooting


Recently I had a conversation with a deputy I frequently talk with. We discussed a few different things like Sheriff Chip Simmons, morale of the agency and employees that are still shining bad light on the ECSO. It was an honest conversation about the overall aura of the agency. Here is how the conversation went:

JS: So how is the morale of the agency?

Deputy: We expected, when Chip was running for office, he would run through the doors and give the agency back to the good employees that want to do good in the community. But there has been little movement in ridding the agency of the cancer. There are still “problem” employees or in some cases, criminals within the agency.

JS: Isn’t he concerned about looking like an extension of Morgan?

Deputy: It is rumored he wants to be viewed differently than Morgan and understandably so. However, keeping the holdovers that destroyed the optics of the department will only fuel the people claiming Chip is more of the same. The fact of the matter is it appears Chip has done little to hold people accountable for their actions and this continues to make the ECSO lose respect in the community.  

JS: Doesn’t he realize he is under a microscope and by allowing those “hold-overs to remain, he is still destroying the potential the community had for him?

Deputy: He has been lackluster in his efforts to regain the confidence of the employees. People should never be harassed, and Simmons should not involve the department as the arena for political retribution that we witnessed under Morgan’s tyrannical regime.  He had a front row seat of the destruction of good people at the hands of incompetent bullies under the command of Morgan and Eric Haines.

JS: Right. Joe Zarzaur pulled the curtain back on many of the shenanigans in the ECSO.

Deputy: Lie after lie has been identified in sworn testimony given by Morgan and Haines. Haines was even identified as a person with animus toward women in his command.  Judge Vinson said that in a federal lawsuit filed against the ECSO involving Morgan and Haines. Yet Chip retains Haines and seems unlikely to make Haines answer for his poor leadership decisions and actions. Granted those actions happened before Chip, but Haines is still an employee and his actions on behalf of the agency will always remain relevant whether they happened yesterday or last year.

JS: You and I spoke about the recent shooting. Others have reached out to echo your views on this. That seems to be a circumstance created by Mindy and Haines that reared its ugly head.

Deputy: You mean, Sgt. Veltkamp? Most all of us believed her actions were questionable. It was difficult to have much sympathy for her because prior to being promoted, many felt she was a weak deputy and had trouble making good decisions. Her mental condition is in question here, as well. Imagine if she were an accurate shot, she’d have killed an innocent citizen on his property. In today’s climate, every deputy is afraid of being crucified. With cell phones and cameras, most of us are over cautious. Because you never know if one of your dumbass decisions will be played constantly until your family is harassed and the jobs are gone. What scares the hell out of me is that Sgt. Veltkamp has a position of authority with a known mental deficiency or at least an inability to manage emotions.

It is unfair to the agency and Sgt. Veltkamp. Maybe the friends that were attempting to cover up her breakdown were not actually friends. Did her friend help her or just kick the can down the road for a more serious incident to happen later? I think the incident that put Veltkamp in the spotlight speaks for itself.

JS: Do we know if she is stable at this point? What follow up was done to assure her emotional and mental fitness for the job?

Deputy: Unfortunately, Veltkamp could be a victim of circumstance. Her emotional state may not have been as serious as it seems. However, when your closet friends have lost credibility and proven they are less than truthful people, the perception makes everybody question. Mindy Young is the friend believed to be most instrumental in the cover up.  Hell, look at Mindy. We all saw the texts that came out that showed she planned the demise of a complainant officer in an investigation she was conducting. She plotted to cause the employee to feel her “sting” with the subject officer in the complaint. This is proven with actual text messages that exchanged between Mindy Young and Eric Haines. This is beyond disgusting and a violation of Florida law.

I certainly wish the best for Sgt. Veltkamp. But some people are not made to be in law enforcement, or any position giving them a gun. I hope some leadership, some place at the ECSO will pick up this issue and remove the problems and the criminals of the days of inept leadership under the Morgan regime.

JS: I heard from someone else that Veltkamp was cleared of the shooting.

Deputy: I believe that is true. In honesty, there is no record of her psychiatric state in the past, thanks to Mindy. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have issues that people need to be aware of. Maybe it is even more important for her psychological status be more widely known. The man in the store is very lucky. Next time, people may not be so lucky.

JS: But as a few people have brought forth info, is there really good reason to be concerned about Veltkamp?

Deputy: Without a doubt. A seasoned officer with a clear head would not be in the situation she found herself in. I hate to say, this makes female officers look bad all around. Veltkamp’s problems play into the stereotype that female officers are weak and are liabilities because of their emotional reaction. I don’t find that to be true, but she certainly makes the case that can be used against other women in law enforcement.



Bad decisions have a tendency to boomerang back around. According to sources inside the ECSO, a deputy who was Baker Acted twice and who happened to keep her standards was involved in the standoff last week. Pam Veltkamp, a friend of Mindy Von Ansbach Young, created a standoff and shot at a business owner 14 times, erroneously thinking he was a suspect. Here is the ECSO press release:

On 3/27/2021 at 3:51 a.m., the ECSO responded to a call for a suspicious vehicle parked in the back lot of Blue Angel Groceries on Olive Road and Whitmire Road. When the deputy arrived, he located a suspect sleeping in his vehicle. The deputy observed a handgun and numerous narcotics in plain sight on the floorboard between the suspect’s feet. The deputy woke the suspect and attempted to take him into custody. The suspect exited the vehicle and engaged in two physical altercations with the deputy and attempted to flee on foot. The suspect then returned to his vehicle and reached toward where the firearm was located, forcing the deputy to fire at him. The suspect escaped on foot. A perimeter was established, but the suspect was not located. A large amount of narcotics and a firearm were located inside the suspect’s vehicle. The suspect was identified as John Lee Johnson Jr. There were no injuries reported.

During the investigation, one of the witnesses provided a false identity to investigators. It was determined that the witness, later identified as Hassan Moorer, had active warrants for Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon, Larceny, Robbery with a Deadly Weapon, Aggravated Battery with Bodily Harm and Robbery with a firearm. 

Deputies returned to the Blue Angel Grocery looking for Hassan Moorer and they were directed to the back of the open store by an employee. When deputies entered the building and announced their presence, they were met with an individual, who was not Hassan Moorer, pointing a firearm in their direction. Deputies fired at the individual and were able to secure the area. The ECSO SWAT Team was activated and arrived on scene. The individual surrendered and there were no injuries. The investigation is still ongoing in reference to the firearm being pointed at the deputies. Per protocol, the deputies have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. 

The ECSO is looking for John Lee Johnson Jr. (DOB: 3/19/84) who is wanted for Battery of a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting with Violence, Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon, Possession of a Firearm while in Commission of a Felony, Sale/Manufacture/Deliver Cocaine, Sale/Manufacture/Deliver Ecstasy, and Sale/Manufacture/Deliver Controlled Substances. 

The ECSO is also looking for Hassan Moorer (DOB: 12/6/82) who is wanted for Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon, Larceny, Robbery with a Deadly Weapon, Aggravated Battery with Bodily Harm and Robbery with a Firearm. 

The problem is there are a great deal of details left out. Hassan Alissa, the owner, was sleeping in the back of the store when deputies entered. He heard yelling and after the drama earlier he grabbed his gun. He did not hear the deputy identify herself as law enforcement. She was yelling “Hassan” thinking he was Hassan Moorer, believed she had cornered the suspect but whatever dialogue happened at this point, they were both armed, not understanding who the others were. Alissa called 911, not realizing the people in his store were deputies. But when deputy Veltkamp saw the gun, she should was in control of that situation. Alissa pled to the dispatcher, who he credits for saving his life, to call this deputy off. There is nothing he could have said at this time that could have diffused this situation. She believed he was the suspect and would not have believed anything he said.

Pam Veltkamp should have been Baker Acted at least twice in the last 3 years, but thanks to her good friend Mindy, she voluntarily committed herself both times. The first time was just prior to her promotion in December 2018. And one other time since then. Each time, Mindy secured her law enforcement standards were preserved. She was assigned as a School Resource Officer, which is one of two places, troublesome deputies are relegated to rather than being fired. The other place is the courthouse. The point is that Mindy should not have gotten special treatment for this chick either time. Psychological fitness is necessary to be a law enforcement officer everywhere. She may be a great person but if she has mental issues, having a badge and a gun makes her a danger to everyone she encounters. Naturally Eric Haines was a part of keeping this lady on the streets because of his closeness to Mindy, his mini-me.

So while Eric was micromanaging some deputies, he was giving this chick a pass. Then Morgan even promoted her after her first breakdown. In what world, is that a good idea? Now we shall see what Chip does now.



For years, when people told me about the crap that happened in Escambia County on a daily basis, they would say it was “back room deals”, “favors for friends”, “a show of good will”, but all those things are just sugar coating for what really was happening—CORRUPTION.

One definition of corruption is:

 An act done with an intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official dutythe rights of others.

Another is:

  1. Dishonest or illegal behaviors, especially by people in positions of power or authority.
  2. Impairment of moral principal, virtue, or values.

It always surprised me the reluctance to call corruption by name. It really doesn’t matter what label you put on it, the act is what it is.  One of the worst forms of corruption is not the quid pro quo; it is the lack of accountability for those who abuse the system. That  holds potential liability for everyone. Knowing of a wrong, failing to act, is abetting and aiding in the commission of a crime. This means the people “in the know”, who fail to act become just as legally culpable as the person committing the misdeed. This is the foundation of RICO. This is systemic or organized criminal endeavors that others allow to continue.

A good example of someone who should be charged with public corruption is a high level law enforcement officer, who has been given information about a crime within his agency, a federal crime of interstate fraud and identity theft by a naturalized citizen. This person married, bought property in various states under a relatives social security number. She obtained employment and ultimately became a citizen but because of the crimes she committed, her citizenship is not valid. The citizenship oath taken outlines the fact citizenship can and will be revoked if any illegal acts were committed prior to naturalization. So when this law enforcement honcho finds out there is more than smoke in this case and fails to dig any deeper to prevent finding the mess behind the green card, he is guilty of abuse of power. Legally speaking, because of his oath, he is obliged to act if he suspects a crime to have occurred even if this is his favorite employee. That is his duty.  Yet this person WILL fail to act. This is CORRUPTION.

Now we all know the master of the game of corruption, Sheriff Morgan, is most adept at manipulating money. He should be since it is said he first started in the military, hence his refusal to produce his military record or obtain security clearance to work with the feds. Giving him the ability to buy political power or capital via the LET money, he keeps manipulating the process. No one seems to care–least of all Pam Childers. She doesn’t know how the process works, nor does she know the true meaning of the law. Ms. Childers informed me the Sheriff did not have to follow the statute regarding LET  funds because Eddins said they came to an agreement. Can’t make this shit up…..

Gmail - Public Records Request pam childers_Page_1

Gmail - Public Records Request pam childers_Page_2

I will get back to the LET Fund later and  yes, there are more sketchy payments, despite the BOCC supposedly overseeing spending.

What I want to discuss now is the $30K computer/software purchased by ECSO for Eric Haines to have in computer crimes. This should scare the hell out of everyone Haines has in his crosshairs. This set up is for the purpose of pursuing pedophiles and he is being trained to “white hat” hack.  While the computer crimes department is made up of Haines and one other person, isn’t it possible that he can create a backdoor to this new toy he has? We all know that he has targeted people in the past and now with these resources and permission to troll, what could possibly go wrong?

But according to an inside source,  Morgan agreed to this as a promised perk when Haines “self-demoted”.  So now Haines, officially, can spend 8 hours a day, on the county’s dime, to terrorize law abiding citizens he doesn’t see eye to eye with.  Citizens beware!!!!!!!!!!!


An anonymous guest writer from within the Escambia County Sheriff’s office asked me to post this in response to the civil unrest over police brutality. I am compiling a post to accompany this post for later this week.

Behold the Beard

 Do we have a loose cannon at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office as well?

On December 1, 2014, Deputy John Beard and another officer were involved in an incident in which Deputy Beard tased a man five times. The man died a few weeks later and a lawsuit was filed. This is a news article of the incident:


On February 18, 2018, Deputy John Beard hit an arrestee who was already handcuffed. This incident was not caught on video; however, Dep. Beard was cleared of using excessive force because he claimed the arrestee attempted to head-butt him (ECSO18OFF003324).

On July 14, 2019, during the Blue Angel Airshow, Dep. Beard was attempting to arrest a subject on Pensacola Beach. The video of this incident went viral and depicts Dep. Beard on a man’s back.  The man was in the water and appeared to be resisting, or not complying with, Dep. Beard. Dep. Beard punched the male and eventually took the man into custody. Several officers observed on the video stood around and did not assist Dep. Beard. Text messages between administrative employees at the ECSO indicated that the man was in the hospital, unconscious, two days later. The arrestee was said to have been extremely intoxicated at the time of the incident. Deputy Beard may have also injured his hand during the incident as well because he was seen in a news video with a cast on his arm not long after the Blue Angel Airshow. According to a PNJ news article, the ECSO stated that they would be reviewing the Blue Angel incident. The results of this review have not been released publicly to my knowledge.

On 09/15/2019, Deputy Beard was again involved in an arrest in which he hit a man who was already in handcuffs. Again, Deputy Beard claimed the man attempted to head-butt him, but according to the other officer on scene this did not happen. The other officer on scene, Dep. Ward, noted in his supplemental report that he felt that Dep. Beard’s use of force was excessive. The incident was investigated and Dep. Beard was EXONERATED!! What happened to the whistleblower in this case? The other officer on scene? Just as expected, and in true David Morgan style, Dep. Ward was suspended for a week without pay. The ECSO’s new Use of Force Expert is a training Sergeant. That Sergeant claims that many things COULD HAVE happened and Dep. Ward was punished based on what COULD HAVE happened because he did not participate in the incident to the liking of David Morgan. Dep. Ward was never allowed to give his account of the incident and was punished based on, once again, what MIGHT HAVE or COULD HAVE happened. And Deputy Beard? Well, he received no punishment for what actually DID HAPPEN. Why?? Is it because they did not want the public or the attorney for the first case to become aware of Dep. Beard’s actions since the lawsuit was filed? Too late.

And if that’s not enough get this…the Sergeant in training. The new Use of Force Expert, utilized by ECSO’s Internal Affairs Unit as an expert when they deem it necessary, is none other than the Sergeant who left a high-powered rifle and other miscellaneous ECSO equipment/ammo/etc. unsecured in his county-issued vehicle and had the items STOLEN!!! Was this a policy violation? Yes! Did he receive punishment for this incident when the guns and other items ended up on the street in the hands of criminals and some of the equipment was never recovered? NO! He was placed on Administrative Leave with Pay until the incident blew over and then transferred to train the new recruits! Do you think this Sergeant owes David Morgan for overlooking his “little” indiscretion/policy violation enough to write up an Internal Affairs case to David Morgan’s liking? One would tend to believe so.

One would also tend to believe that there may be other incidents involving Dep. Beard that have been overlooked, unreported or under-reported. Public Records requests sent to the ECSO to obtain a copy of the video from the 2019 incident have been ignored and unfilled. Why? David Morgan believes he is above the LAW!

Haines & Young: WTF?

Having gotten a glimpse into the daily life of David Morgan and his cronies, via court order, from Judge Rodger Vinson, the ECSO provided text messages between Chief Deputy Haines including other members of the administration, like David Morgan and Mindy Young, among others..  The text messages produced validated many whispers about what is going on behind the scenes and prove the corruption of this administration.

The fact that the court had to issue an order for such common and completely public records is astounding; any person in a position of leadership at the ECSO should know their responsibility of operating in manner transparent to the taxpayers. Public Record laws are not a new creation but an existing process are meant to create successful, transparent operation of our government at every level. Public Records of ECSO belong to the citizens of the county and should be provided when requested, without all the drama of having to cover something up.

Reading the court order by Judge Vinson can shows his frustration with the ECSO for not being completely transparent with these text messages.

THE COURT: Well, obviously Chief Deputy Haines is the

one that you’ve sort of focused on specifically, because he said

he didn’t use his private phone.

THE COURT: Well, let me tell you where I am so we

can — perhaps we can save some time. I don’t find anything

that’s happened here warrants sanctions, so we can set the

sanctions request aside, because I think there’s ample grounds

for saying this wasn’t necessarily encompassed.

Chief Deputy Haines’ private phone, though, is

certainly open to reopen, because even though it wasn’t an

absolute negative, it was left as a negative response saying he

didn’t use it. So I think — I think that’s open to further

discovery. And the question is, in addition to that, what else

and where else do we go.


The existence of county business on his personal cell (which happens routinely)  in the form text messages to and from Haines prove he was untruthful and lied under oath about the use of his phone. The near sexting event that occurred between Mindy Young and Eric Haines was a bonus  and a mounting proof of the corruption. I doubt anyone would have condoned the supervisor-employee communication that is this  inappropriate especially when you consider she is currently  investigating him.  And it is most certainly obvious this group felt comfortable enough to openly discuss mishandling of investigations and other ECSO business.  The constant ego stroking shouldn’t be a shock.

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What should be a shock is that Haines continues to work in the same capacity even after a federal judge rules Haines was less than honest. In fact, Haines has been found to have fallen short of having the integrity that is expected of a law enforcement official at that level.  Haines was promoted beyond his capability as a law enforcement officer. Few if any have ever truly had any respect for him or his terroristic style of leadership. Haines demonstrated what occurs when an administrator lacks actual skills and experience in law enforcement and is escalated to a level he isn’t qualified to fulfill. It would be far too difficult to debate a law enforcement issue, beyond the theoretical, for Haines. He has exactly as much law enforcement experience on a basic level as Morgan.  This lack of experience forced them both to resort to abuse of  power to control those that have law enforcement experience and those that question their leadership.

When reading the text exchanges between Haines and Mindy Young consider this could be you or your loved one being discussed. Imagine making a complaint concerning an issue as important as your career. The complaint is filed in accordance with every rule and law. You believe the investigation is occurring with an investigator that is objective and fair. Then you learn that the person you made a complaint about under investigation by their SUBORDINATE! Obviously, this is disturbing!

As the investigation continues, there is a presumption that there is a true effort being made by the investigator to discover the truth. The unusual relationship of investigator and subject officer is still lingering in the back of your mind, questioning the most basic sense of decency. Everyday you have to question if the corruption you believed to exist does exist. That is what this is. CORRUPTION.


The text messages between Haines and Young leave no doubt about corruption was a real concern. Imagine reading the words “fuck those people” knowing that comment was intended to describe the feelings the investigator has you. Then realizing that the investigator you doubted from the beginning is discussing your case with the person you complained about! The investigator is upset at not being able to share a special dinner because of an investigation she is conducting on the subject officer. Her response is a promise to “sting” the complainant and proclaiming a waste of her time to complete the investigation. As if there could be any doubt left of an “understanding” between Haines and Young, she is even told by Haines “you will make a good commander one day”.

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The described actions of the two ECSO administrators are criminal. Again, this is perfectly acceptable behavior for administrators, according to this administration. No action is taken to respond to the improper behavior of law enforcement professionals. Each day that passes is proof the current leadership is not opposed to the conduct displayed by Haines and Young. Obviously, there is a relationship between the two that would prevent anyone from believing there was a chance of objective finding in the investigation.

The ECSO has become indifferent to justice and the law. To true law enforcement professionals that take pride in serving their community, this is disgraceful. The current leadership has made the ECSO an example of what happens when amateur, egotistic, self-serving imposters are allowed to ruin a law enforcement agency and the community.  It is time that the issues that continue to plague the ECSO be taken into hand. Enough consideration has been given to the tantrums of Morgan and Haines and clearly, even with all their self-praise for one another, all they have achieved is an absolute failure making the agency a joke.

The facts described here should confound any law enforcement official that values integrity and honesty. And it should frighten people to the core that law enforcement professionals within the agency that see the dissent and are too cowardly to do anything about it are the same people that are supposed to be protecting you from the evil in the world.  If anyone wearing a badge refuses to stand up for themselves, can you really rely on them to protect you?





Chief Deputy Haines Reaches Out

So my week was heightened by a Facebook PM from Chief Deputy Haines.



I am not sure where to start to address your condescending message. First, until your tax dollar wasting text with Lee Tyree, I didn’t see the picture you are referencing. I didn’t look at it closely and I just figured it was more surveillance footage.  And yes, you are right that particular picture is from “See No Evil” Episode 1, but that pic is not what anyone other than you, the Sheriff and Tyree believed was a huge deal. That picture is insignificant and does not diminish the truth being, Patrick Gonzalez’s van was NOT the one on the surveillance video.  It just isn’t and for you to spend taxpayer dollars focused on a picture, for the explicit purpose of trying to file some sort of suit against me is friggin nuts. You wasted time out of your life to try to “get” me, creating this entire spool of nonsense over something that is not relevant or pertinent to any discussion. How fucking sad.


abc_gma_onsumsami_090715_msBy the way, no one ever said there were two vans used in the crime. To be clear, Pat Gonzalez’s van (that was in Lenny Gonzalez’s possession), did not run. It had not moved. It was used for nothing but smoking crack in. Lenny self-medicated. He was too mentally deficient to recognize the van on TV looked nothing like the van in his yard. Yet your agency made a square peg fit in a round hole without looking for real suspects. Way to go, you railroaded 6 minorities, one being a senior citizen with organic brain damage. Before you say that isn’t true, produce any interview with Ashley Markham.  There isn’t one. Also, explain to me why Morgan was there that night taking down names of people to be contacted and yet their names never appear anywhere throughout the thousands of pages of documentations. Thorough job, Chief.

Getting back to you, you paid zero attention to Jerome Zaid’s sexcapades that branched into molesting a child because you had to read my social media feed. Your entire career is going down the shitter while you wait for me or Phil Nix to post something you don’t want out. You know how you avoid that? Don’t do stupid shit! Do your fucking job. If you did that, you wouldn’t be giving us more fodder to work with.  What am I sayin? It’s too late now. You perjured yourself by saying you didn’t do county business on your personal phone. You absolutely knew you did and lied under oath.  The Brady List needs a name added.  Do you start your classes by telling students that you lie regularly and use your time trying to find “work arounds” on rules?

Oh, I want to let everyone know that I did give you an opportunity to correct any other misguided notions I might have. You declined. Remember that.

Bottom line, if Pat Gonzalez gets a FAIR TRIAL,  his case will be overturned, I promise you that. I will not stop until that happens. Your agency routinely mishandles evidence, has no clear procedure for ANYTHING and have ZERO knowledge of the law. The jokes write themselves. Getting his case overturned is important to me because I know the man, you are right. I believe it is a flagship case that shows that even when lives are on the line, the ECSO can’t find their ass much less solve a crime. That is the disgraceful part about it. You have run the agency and by extension the community into the ground. Do you know how long it will take someone to restore the damage you have done? It will take decades. The first thing that must happen is all the cowards that kiss your ass or at the least do nothing, MUST GO. Then competent officers must be brought in to establish an infrastructure for the agency that isn’t corrupt, but it is imperative that no one, who ignored all your shit be left standing with a badge. When all the real criminals (your administration) are in prison, I will stop. That is my end goal.

Oh, and yes there is communication with the US Attorney’s office. So have many others. So slander me, spend every hour of every day trying to get me and Phil and every other “hater” out there, but it won’t help you now.