An anonymous guest writer from within the Escambia County Sheriff’s office asked me to post this in response to the civil unrest over police brutality. I am compiling a post to accompany this post for later this week.

Behold the Beard

 Do we have a loose cannon at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office as well?

On December 1, 2014, Deputy John Beard and another officer were involved in an incident in which Deputy Beard tased a man five times. The man died a few weeks later and a lawsuit was filed. This is a news article of the incident:


On February 18, 2018, Deputy John Beard hit an arrestee who was already handcuffed. This incident was not caught on video; however, Dep. Beard was cleared of using excessive force because he claimed the arrestee attempted to head-butt him (ECSO18OFF003324).

On July 14, 2019, during the Blue Angel Airshow, Dep. Beard was attempting to arrest a subject on Pensacola Beach. The video of this incident went viral and depicts Dep. Beard on a man’s back.  The man was in the water and appeared to be resisting, or not complying with, Dep. Beard. Dep. Beard punched the male and eventually took the man into custody. Several officers observed on the video stood around and did not assist Dep. Beard. Text messages between administrative employees at the ECSO indicated that the man was in the hospital, unconscious, two days later. The arrestee was said to have been extremely intoxicated at the time of the incident. Deputy Beard may have also injured his hand during the incident as well because he was seen in a news video with a cast on his arm not long after the Blue Angel Airshow. According to a PNJ news article, the ECSO stated that they would be reviewing the Blue Angel incident. The results of this review have not been released publicly to my knowledge.

On 09/15/2019, Deputy Beard was again involved in an arrest in which he hit a man who was already in handcuffs. Again, Deputy Beard claimed the man attempted to head-butt him, but according to the other officer on scene this did not happen. The other officer on scene, Dep. Ward, noted in his supplemental report that he felt that Dep. Beard’s use of force was excessive. The incident was investigated and Dep. Beard was EXONERATED!! What happened to the whistleblower in this case? The other officer on scene? Just as expected, and in true David Morgan style, Dep. Ward was suspended for a week without pay. The ECSO’s new Use of Force Expert is a training Sergeant. That Sergeant claims that many things COULD HAVE happened and Dep. Ward was punished based on what COULD HAVE happened because he did not participate in the incident to the liking of David Morgan. Dep. Ward was never allowed to give his account of the incident and was punished based on, once again, what MIGHT HAVE or COULD HAVE happened. And Deputy Beard? Well, he received no punishment for what actually DID HAPPEN. Why?? Is it because they did not want the public or the attorney for the first case to become aware of Dep. Beard’s actions since the lawsuit was filed? Too late.

And if that’s not enough get this…the Sergeant in training. The new Use of Force Expert, utilized by ECSO’s Internal Affairs Unit as an expert when they deem it necessary, is none other than the Sergeant who left a high-powered rifle and other miscellaneous ECSO equipment/ammo/etc. unsecured in his county-issued vehicle and had the items STOLEN!!! Was this a policy violation? Yes! Did he receive punishment for this incident when the guns and other items ended up on the street in the hands of criminals and some of the equipment was never recovered? NO! He was placed on Administrative Leave with Pay until the incident blew over and then transferred to train the new recruits! Do you think this Sergeant owes David Morgan for overlooking his “little” indiscretion/policy violation enough to write up an Internal Affairs case to David Morgan’s liking? One would tend to believe so.

One would also tend to believe that there may be other incidents involving Dep. Beard that have been overlooked, unreported or under-reported. Public Records requests sent to the ECSO to obtain a copy of the video from the 2019 incident have been ignored and unfilled. Why? David Morgan believes he is above the LAW!

Who’s Protecting Escambia County?

Once upon a time, when people spoke of Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, there was respect in their voices, an air of reverence and admiration that went without question. Now, there is just an aura of malevolence and shame. That is all that remains.

We all are aware that Morgan is NOT any example of a law enforcement officer. We are also cognizant that Haines is not any closer to be a cop than Morgan. His success come from instilling fear, manipulating honorable people into dubious situations for no better reason than he wants to control. In order to survive, “yes men & women” are necessary to fall in line.  Rank and file led by historic failures and an embarrassment to law enforcement.

Recently, there was a public records request obtained that included text messages from ECSO staff members. It should be noted the texts are from people in leadership positions at the ECSO. The same people making decisions about how to investigate cases, make arrests and keep the community safe. These same people are responsible for deciding the fate of so many people without opposition or any check and balance.

During the summer of 2019, make-believe investigation was ordered on Chief Deputy Eric Haines by Sheriff David Morgan. This supposed investigation was to be centered around his treatment of females. Keep in mind that a Federal Court judge has ruled long ago that Eric Haines had displayed conduct that indicated gender bias. The investigator assigned was Mindy von Ansbach Young, who is a subordinate of Chief Haines. Young is in the chain of command for Haines. Still Morgan believed it was a good idea to have a subordinate investigate a supervisor.

Surprisingly, Young fulfilled the dog and pony show of an investigation and it was determined that Chief Haines had committed no violation! How lucky for him. The following text messages were obtained from the ECSO through a hard-fought public records request. The content speaks for itself. Incomprehensibly, Young seems to deeply admire Haines. For this reason, she should have never been assigned to investigate him.

Here are the highlights from the Eric Haines IA:pages-from-i2019-015_eric-haines-ia_unlocked_page_01.jpgPages from I2019-015_Eric Haines IA_unlocked_Page_02Pages from I2019-015_Eric Haines IA_unlocked_Page_03

Pages from I2019-015_Eric Haines IA_unlocked_Page_04

The witnesses highlighted are in the command staff or is Lee Tyree.


Here is the link to the entire IA:  I2019-015_Eric Haines IA_unlocked

Just to remind everyone, Mindy von Ansbach Young has previously been mentioned in this blog.

For further entertainment here are some of the texts between Young & Haines:

Pages from unlocked text file-3_Page_1 (2)Pages from unlocked text file-3_Page_1 (3)

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But to sum it up:

mindyPages from unlocked text file-2 (2)

my creation


More Morgan Drama

So the Rogers vs. Morgan lawsuit has heated up. This is a new twist. Mindy Pare claimed her letters to and from Leah Manning were not relevant to this lawsuit only to be proven wrong after an inspection of the letters on camera.

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The excerpt says:

“I hope to make Morgan eat his words from the press conference (in 2015). He deliberately gave false information about the pictures and the computers, just to make a bigger better case. Fuck him and his election year! ANYWAYS! I feel he did it so it would make us look our daughters predators and it would get picked up by more news affiliates instead of just teens accusing of wrongdoings! And then he got to throw my sex life in and make the juicy twist. What goes around comes around and he has quite alot going around in his life. I wonder if he (illegible) his cell # when it showed up in my phone? LOL! Enough about that for now. It’s like a tv show. …to be continued!”


2 Sheriffs, One Sex Scandal


On February 23rd, 2017, Chief Deputy Eric Haines started an internal affairs investigation into deputy Heath Jackson and with allegations of Jackson giving information to Leah & Doug Manning when they were on the run in 2015.  The IA investigation was thrown together and completed very quickly. It consisted of testimony of Doug Manning, Leah Manning, Heath Jackson and phone records. There was no true investigation as pieces of the criminal investigation and other internal affairs investigations were cropped together, to give the facade of an actual investigation being conducted. Naturally, the IA found the claims unsubstantiated. This was a political favor because Heath Jackson had political ambitions. He wanted to run for Sheriff in Escambia County, Alabama. In 2019, Jackson was sworn in after winning that election.

The sham of an internal affairs investigation doesn’t pass the legitimacy test. The key is in looking at the timeline of events.Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_1Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_2Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_3Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_4Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_5Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_6Pages from Chief Deputy Eric Haines - 30(b)(6) Deposition Exhibit Number 8 (1)_Page_7

The entirety of the IA file can be seen here.

This is an investigation that began on February 23, 2017, with Heath Jackson contacting Eric Haines. The first interview of this IA is Doug Manning from January 2016. Why was no IA started then? Then, an IA interview with Doug on February 10th, 2017 (before the IA began).  How is that possible?  Answer: IT ISN’T.