Santa Rosa Fiasco


I wanted to apologize for the sparse posts. I have been overwhelmed with information that just keeps on coming. That’s a good thing. I just have to get the info out. Bear with me.

I started blogging to expose the corruption in NW Florida. Honestly, I didn’t think it would be so pervasive or cancerous as it is. Allowing predators with badges to continue to terrorize a community is unacceptable and irredeemable. My intent is not to go after Bob Johnson or David Morgan but when all roads of corruption lead back to the people who enable them, ie the Sheriffs in this case. Being the head of an agency empowers the person in that seat. They can make or break lives depending on how they wield their influence and authority. In the cases I’ve been researching, the cases I have, I have found both Johnson & Morgan act as co-conspirators with the deviants they allow to be employed. Scott Haines and Eric Haines are predators who feed on those below them. Johnson & Morgan both know that and feel it business as usual to cover up these brothers’ crimes against their respective communities.

II have been shocked by the openly corrupt practices in Santa Rosa. I thought nothing could be Morgan’s predatory tenure, but I was wrong. Scott Haines beguiling Dorothy Rogers was so heinous I had to look into it. Once I started pulling that thread, so much more came to light. The funny part is that the day I got the call from Dorothy Rogers grandson, I had just had a conversation with a former ECSO deputy. We were talking about all the stuff Eric had done and this former deputy said Scott was obviously the “good” brother. He told me that he didn’t understand how the brothers could be so different. That night the curtain was pulled back showing Scott was just as much of a parasite as Eric. Many others have said similar things because no one was talking about all the shit Scott was doing. I didn’t have an contacts/sources in Santa Rosa. But once I started writing about this, quite a few people have contacted me. I have been told no one has ever brought criticism on the deeds of SRSO. There are various comments of interest on, but without corroboration it is just talk. Now though, things are being dragged out into the light. Most all of it comes back to
Scott and Bob Johnson. Now on with the info I have uncovered.

So one of the “Supervisory Inquiries” (that did not rise to the level of an IA, according to Sheriff Bob Johnson) is extremely bold and unbelievably, ruled “unfounded”. It is the encounter in which Scott feared for Brandy Wallace’s safety after her husband, Chris Wallace found out about an affair she had with Scott. So let me see if I understand this: Scott is screwing this guy’s wife and tells his superiors that he fears for Brandy’s safety, prompting all this attention to focus on the husband rather than on him. WTF?

If he feared for her safety at any point prior to “getting caught”, he had a duty to report it. But he waited until he was confronted by superiors to divulge this. That dog don’t hunt. Here is the “unfounded” supervisory inquiry:

I just don’t understand how Haines’s role in the disintegration of this marriage wasn’t an issue. Now let’s juxtapose this incidence in 2017 with the incident in 2020 in Escambia, where Haines tried to force his way into another subordinate’s home–another woman with whom he had a sexual relationship.

There are histrionics with that encounter. I got further insight into that night:

Both of these situations are DV issues, yet there is no fallout for Scott for the second one. Why? If this man, was suicidal, should he be an SRSO active officer?

I thought this little clip was interesting. It is from the “dildo panty” case. It seems if Scott sent pictures to a subordinate of someone else’s penis, it would be ok…