
For years, when people told me about the crap that happened in Escambia County on a daily basis, they would say it was “back room deals”, “favors for friends”, “a show of good will”, but all those things are just sugar coating for what really was happening—CORRUPTION.

One definition of corruption is:

 An act done with an intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official dutythe rights of others.

Another is:

  1. Dishonest or illegal behaviors, especially by people in positions of power or authority.
  2. Impairment of moral principal, virtue, or values.

It always surprised me the reluctance to call corruption by name. It really doesn’t matter what label you put on it, the act is what it is.  One of the worst forms of corruption is not the quid pro quo; it is the lack of accountability for those who abuse the system. That  holds potential liability for everyone. Knowing of a wrong, failing to act, is abetting and aiding in the commission of a crime. This means the people “in the know”, who fail to act become just as legally culpable as the person committing the misdeed. This is the foundation of RICO. This is systemic or organized criminal endeavors that others allow to continue.

A good example of someone who should be charged with public corruption is a high level law enforcement officer, who has been given information about a crime within his agency, a federal crime of interstate fraud and identity theft by a naturalized citizen. This person married, bought property in various states under a relatives social security number. She obtained employment and ultimately became a citizen but because of the crimes she committed, her citizenship is not valid. The citizenship oath taken outlines the fact citizenship can and will be revoked if any illegal acts were committed prior to naturalization. So when this law enforcement honcho finds out there is more than smoke in this case and fails to dig any deeper to prevent finding the mess behind the green card, he is guilty of abuse of power. Legally speaking, because of his oath, he is obliged to act if he suspects a crime to have occurred even if this is his favorite employee. That is his duty.  Yet this person WILL fail to act. This is CORRUPTION.

Now we all know the master of the game of corruption, Sheriff Morgan, is most adept at manipulating money. He should be since it is said he first started in the military, hence his refusal to produce his military record or obtain security clearance to work with the feds. Giving him the ability to buy political power or capital via the LET money, he keeps manipulating the process. No one seems to care–least of all Pam Childers. She doesn’t know how the process works, nor does she know the true meaning of the law. Ms. Childers informed me the Sheriff did not have to follow the statute regarding LET  funds because Eddins said they came to an agreement. Can’t make this shit up…..

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I will get back to the LET Fund later and  yes, there are more sketchy payments, despite the BOCC supposedly overseeing spending.

What I want to discuss now is the $30K computer/software purchased by ECSO for Eric Haines to have in computer crimes. This should scare the hell out of everyone Haines has in his crosshairs. This set up is for the purpose of pursuing pedophiles and he is being trained to “white hat” hack.  While the computer crimes department is made up of Haines and one other person, isn’t it possible that he can create a backdoor to this new toy he has? We all know that he has targeted people in the past and now with these resources and permission to troll, what could possibly go wrong?

But according to an inside source,  Morgan agreed to this as a promised perk when Haines “self-demoted”.  So now Haines, officially, can spend 8 hours a day, on the county’s dime, to terrorize law abiding citizens he doesn’t see eye to eye with.  Citizens beware!!!!!!!!!!!

Chief Deputy Haines Reaches Out

So my week was heightened by a Facebook PM from Chief Deputy Haines.



I am not sure where to start to address your condescending message. First, until your tax dollar wasting text with Lee Tyree, I didn’t see the picture you are referencing. I didn’t look at it closely and I just figured it was more surveillance footage.  And yes, you are right that particular picture is from “See No Evil” Episode 1, but that pic is not what anyone other than you, the Sheriff and Tyree believed was a huge deal. That picture is insignificant and does not diminish the truth being, Patrick Gonzalez’s van was NOT the one on the surveillance video.  It just isn’t and for you to spend taxpayer dollars focused on a picture, for the explicit purpose of trying to file some sort of suit against me is friggin nuts. You wasted time out of your life to try to “get” me, creating this entire spool of nonsense over something that is not relevant or pertinent to any discussion. How fucking sad.


abc_gma_onsumsami_090715_msBy the way, no one ever said there were two vans used in the crime. To be clear, Pat Gonzalez’s van (that was in Lenny Gonzalez’s possession), did not run. It had not moved. It was used for nothing but smoking crack in. Lenny self-medicated. He was too mentally deficient to recognize the van on TV looked nothing like the van in his yard. Yet your agency made a square peg fit in a round hole without looking for real suspects. Way to go, you railroaded 6 minorities, one being a senior citizen with organic brain damage. Before you say that isn’t true, produce any interview with Ashley Markham.  There isn’t one. Also, explain to me why Morgan was there that night taking down names of people to be contacted and yet their names never appear anywhere throughout the thousands of pages of documentations. Thorough job, Chief.

Getting back to you, you paid zero attention to Jerome Zaid’s sexcapades that branched into molesting a child because you had to read my social media feed. Your entire career is going down the shitter while you wait for me or Phil Nix to post something you don’t want out. You know how you avoid that? Don’t do stupid shit! Do your fucking job. If you did that, you wouldn’t be giving us more fodder to work with.  What am I sayin? It’s too late now. You perjured yourself by saying you didn’t do county business on your personal phone. You absolutely knew you did and lied under oath.  The Brady List needs a name added.  Do you start your classes by telling students that you lie regularly and use your time trying to find “work arounds” on rules?

Oh, I want to let everyone know that I did give you an opportunity to correct any other misguided notions I might have. You declined. Remember that.

Bottom line, if Pat Gonzalez gets a FAIR TRIAL,  his case will be overturned, I promise you that. I will not stop until that happens. Your agency routinely mishandles evidence, has no clear procedure for ANYTHING and have ZERO knowledge of the law. The jokes write themselves. Getting his case overturned is important to me because I know the man, you are right. I believe it is a flagship case that shows that even when lives are on the line, the ECSO can’t find their ass much less solve a crime. That is the disgraceful part about it. You have run the agency and by extension the community into the ground. Do you know how long it will take someone to restore the damage you have done? It will take decades. The first thing that must happen is all the cowards that kiss your ass or at the least do nothing, MUST GO. Then competent officers must be brought in to establish an infrastructure for the agency that isn’t corrupt, but it is imperative that no one, who ignored all your shit be left standing with a badge. When all the real criminals (your administration) are in prison, I will stop. That is my end goal.

Oh, and yes there is communication with the US Attorney’s office. So have many others. So slander me, spend every hour of every day trying to get me and Phil and every other “hater” out there, but it won’t help you now.



My Dear Jackie Letter


I have mulled over how to reply to your discussion of me with Chief Deputy Haines. In light of the article about you being a “Citizen Advocate”, it is ironic that you participate in aiding the deprivation of another citizen’s rights. Your comments with Haines show your desire to shut me up.  Sorry about your luck on that but what I really want to get at is the imbecilic way you impulsively accept what this man says versus the truth of any situation.

file suitsomeone in ky

For example, he claims that I started the “rumor” that Leah had sex with the Sheriff. That isn’t true. That rumor came to me but that is not something I find of any importance. So the Sheriff has horrible taste. That’s between him and his wife.  The fact of the matter is I was called before the Manning story ever hit. There is a post that I did the same day the news broke. This story was one I told from the beginning. In fact, Leah Manning called me from jail because she was offended I called her a bad mother. This opened a dialogue in which she claimed to have a sex tape on a cloud drive of Sheriff Morgan and subordinate deputies having sex. I was told the gender of the subordinate(s) was not female.  Being intrigued, I asked for proof. She claimed after she got sentenced she would release the video. She was concerned for her safety if she released it while in the Escambia County Jail.  That came and went and no video. So I assumed it was just posturing on her part to bait me into following her version of events.

dumb as pino

Fast forward to 2019, when Joe Zarzaur says there are images of the Sheriff in a motel, I immediately believed the tape had been released.  So if I had spread any “rumor”, it would have been more than just Leah and the Sheriff, I assure you. But here’s the thing, I don’t have to justify or explain my actions. I simply didn’t do the things they like to accuse me of doing.

But I know, I have no credibility in your eyes because of Pat Gonzalez and the Billings case. You know what, Jackie, Haines says the van used in the crime was not Pat’s van.  Yet they pushed this narrative which is fundamental in the case against this man.  My persistence in getting under their skin, as I most certainly have, has now forced Haines to admit something that makes the rest of you look foolish for believing in the first place.

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Joe Zarzaur is my hero. He has doggedly pursued the truth from the ECSO & has put your ass in the hot seat to show how this administration goes after people who try to bring the truth to light. He showed how they fail to punish cops who are sexual deviants and the effects of that inaction in the Zaid case is proved to be parallel to the inaction of deputies floating through the Manning house. Eventually, the deviance escalates. Both circumstances evolved in the sexual abuse of children. And your buddy Haines let that happen. HE WILL NEVER ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT, but he was in a position to prevent this from happening and he was too busy reading my blog and obsessively scrolling through Facebook. Your tax dollars at work.

Even though I don’t ever give you a second thought, “Escambia Rose”, you apparently are just as unhinged as Haines.  But hey, keep up the good work, the two of you are proving my point every time my name is mentioned.  At least, I’m making a difference. You are a name on a Facebook page and someone who pulls strings to get publicity for paltry endeavors. Even without the the news covering anything I post, I have more impact on the community than you do by a country mile. Under oath, Haines validated one of the grossest injustices of this county for which I carried the banner for the last 7 years.

I know that I know that I know there are so many people being hurt by your buddy, Haines and his boss, Sir David.  Joe Zarzaur dragged that fact into the light via court actions. He has validated my work and shown what a petty bitch you are.  Thanks, Joe.

Karma’s a bitch, Jackie.

Regards from Kentucky.

Terrorists with Badges

The Escambia County Sheriffs Office has moved into another level of abuse of power. There were always threats and the desire of Haines to argue for arrest with many past employees. Most of the arguments were not legally sound and Haines never found the support to take his corrupt and abusive leadership tactics the next illegal level……………until now.

The States Attorney Office (SAO) has partnered with the ECSO to advance personal attacks and further the cause of Haines and Morgan. Their interest is in retaliation against any person trying to have their rights observed, any person willing to speak out against them, and to silence the rest from causing problems down the line. The recent arrests of Lisa and Kelly Hall is proof of them taking the nuclear option in a relatively nominal infraction. Everyone should realize that this issue was brought to resolution several months ago. There was ample time to remedy this issue when it was first investigated. The fact is it was not important until Kelly Hall decided to fight back for being wrongfully terminated. This is an arrest in retaliation for causing Haines to be held accountable. It isn’t the first time this has happen.

The SAO takes the ECSO at their word as is the “industry standard” for law enforcement. Any law enforcement agency should be honest and should be expected to be truthful with other agencies. The SAO should question information given to them by the ECSO. Haines and Morgan have demonstrated many times they are not honest or capable to effectively complete law enforcement tasks. They are bullies and will misuse their power to harm enemies of their choosing.

We have seen officers go to hotel rooms to exchange drugs for sex while on duty. The public didn’t see this because it was all a huge secret to avoid negative publicity for the ECSO. This is easily seen if one takes the time to read the texts messages recently plaguing the agency that shows the dishonest behavior of Haines and Morgan. It could be that these arrests were to distract from the current narrative that Haines is corrupt based on his text messages.

It is also old news that there is an employee currently at the ECSO that has admitted to using a Social Security Number of a person deceased to avoid deportation. This investigation took place and proved that the employee had purchased property (Mortgage Fraud}, acquired credit cards (Wire Fraud), and the theft of another deceased SSN (identity theft). No action taken against employee.

Most recently a staff member commits a battery on a subordinate. The incident was on recorded video. No arrest of the former staff member. This is a blatant example of how Haines and Morgan guard those who could cause the most damage to their corrupt behavior and tactics. Battery is a crime but there was not a need to arrest the criminal in this instance. There is clearly a sliding scale as to what punishment employees receive. The ones named above are the “favored” people, thus their punishment is negligible Yet, Kelly & Lisa Hall deserve annihilation, really????

This issue is far from over. There will be information coming soon about all these situations. It is imperative that the citizens oversee their government. Government will run out of control if allowed to do so. The ECSO is not operating with honor or integrity. Haines and Morgan must be stopped from abusing their power and position as leaders of the Escambia County Sheriffs Office as their playground of torture and anarchy.

Thoughts on the Haines’s Texts

The recent text messages from the ECSO have been eye opening. I believe with the help of people on the inside, former employees and inane press conferences by Sir David (that never show him in a positive light) that the ECSO is in a death spiral. The texts corroborate every story and every person who has come forward about the lack of morality and the nonexistent rules for some and high threshold morality imposed on others (shown for Steve Kay’s profanity). The lack of leadership from the top spot was inevitably going to have adverse effect on the agency, which is seen in the lack of leadership and malleability of Haines’s piety and intangible common sense of everyone blindly following the leader, which is Nazi-esque in nature. Remember the Nuremburg Trials? Just following orders blindly is the name of the game in order to preserve oneself.  Did Morgan believe he could hoodwink citizens forever?  His display of clueless antics, in pretending to be a career law enforcement officer, have simply become dangerous for the citizens.

Morgan has no experience in relevant law enforcement. He has never held a certification in any state or city. He has never made an arrest of a criminal. He has never investigated a crime as a law enforcement officer (except for his lame attempt in the Billings case where he appeared on the scene and interviewed people there that night but those notes nor those people were ever included in any documentation of the case.) His experience is made up of patchwork resumes and lies that he spreads to the citizens of our county as

The recent text messages from Chief Haines should be paradigm shift to even the most staunch of Morgan proponents that the foundation of this agency is not worthy of supporting a real law enforcement agency. It is common knowledge that Haines has never been much of a law enforcement officer himself. What was discovered is that the common bond of the ignorance of how to be a law enforcement officer (much less leader) which has brought Haines and Morgan closer. Like the manipulation of facts, the backstabbing maneuvers of Haines, Morgan and Debra Little their counsel should be appalling to the constituents and to law enforcement officers that know what strong
leadership is.

The most disgraceful thing is watching Morgan, Haines and Little eviscerate the United States Constitution. We have seen Morgan ask for the surveillance of ‘hater sites’ because of public exposure of wrongdoing by the ECSO. Which brings me to a more appropriate question which is to ask Morgan to identify the criteria used to label “haters” and the sites believed to belong to these haters. The 4th amendment is clear on the surveillance requirements of a law enforcement agency. What makes an individual a “hater” verses a citizen providing oversight to a public official elected by citizens of Escambia County?

Also, we know that Due Process has little impact on decisions of Morgan or Haines. Anyone attempting to exercise their rights are met with persecution in the form of a barrage of stone casting and character assassination. Most of the litigation against the ECSO involves the attempt to deny rights and retaliation against those in opposition of the ECSO poor leadership. Morgan, Haines and Little have ignored the law and their obligation to not only enforce our laws but to protect the Constitution. When the time
comes, they will expect to have the benefit of Due Process for themselves when the agency eventually implodes, which it will. Some would say that they should be treated the way they treat others. I disagree. I want to be better than they are and feel confident that should REAL justice will be served by law abiding professional who can follow the law in prosecuting these criminals. The corruption they are facilitating will be
proven while observing ALL their rights. Only then will a victory for justice occur. The best way to win is to be honest and play by the rules.



Texts from Sir David, Chief Nonsense (Haines) and Debra Little, their in-house counsel show how the highest law enforcement echelon within the ECSO view criticism and the people who openly criticize them.  They also demonstrate how much they need their egos stroked. Or maybe brown nosing is Haines’s super passivitypassivity contd compliment


budget comment

Condescendingly blather about the strife of the county seems to elicit humor. And of course, releasing info to disparage “the haters”, knowing full well it is untrue also seems to create a chuckle. Their perception of what the public cares about is so skewed that they don’t see that the mistreatment of their employees just shows they have no respect for any one in the community.  Is this really what the Sheriff and his staff should be concerning themselves with?

haters perpetual victimshaters perpetual victims a


Eric Haines’s Worst Friggin’ Nightmare

What is his worst nightmare? That would be me having legally obtained texts from his personal cell phone.

This is just a snippet.

Media manipulation…..  JC is JC Lowe General Manager of WEAR. And apparently Hannah McKenzie was ECSO’s new go-to-person as is Kevin Robinson at the PNJ

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The federal task force on guns.

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To be continued…….

Catching Up on the Insanity

I have been completely out of the loop the last couple of weeks. But I want to catch up on the absurdity of last two weeks. Beware, I cannot make this shit up.

  1. October 22 & 23, 2019- The Fair

I got a call around 8 am from Philip Nix, head of the security for Don Frenkel at the Pensacola Interstate Fair as well as a former ECSO involved in a lawsuit with them currently in state court. Phil was livid. He went on to explain that after he got home from the fair and was climbing into bed, a phone call came in from the lone security guard at the fair. The security guard said an ECSO was standing at the door to the money office and he was there to tell him that a 9-1-1 call came in from someone needing assistance at the fairgrounds. The deputy, acting under orders from his commanding officer, Sgt. Vestal, #118, was there to tell the security guard that the ECSO was not to respond to 9-1-1 calls from the fair.

Now let’s think this through. A deputy was there to say he would not respond to a location he was currently at right then. And that because of the animus between Sheriff Morgan and Don Frenkel would not help anyone who called 9-1-1 from that location. WOULD NOT HELP ANYONE WHO CALLED 9-1-1.

Phil was livid. He immediately called Chip Simmons, #2 in command at the ECSO. Chip denied knowing anything about this or any sort directive given to anyone to not respond to the fair. Chip said he’d look into the matter when he got to work.

During the next few hours, it came out that there were multiple calls that came in from someone at the fair prior to the deputy arriving just after 1 am. So now we have multiple calls coming in with the deputy responding to say he wouldn’t respond at least an hour later.  So I think the proof is in that timeline. Chip claimed that the problem was that there the perception that FDLE was working the fair. While this was true during while the fair was open but at night, no one but a security guard was there after hours as like many businesses in the county. To say that because there is private security, no law enforcement would respond to an emergency call, is not only terrifying to anyone but that isn’t the case for any other private business in the county. So that explanation doesn’t hold water. After receiving the call reports from the ECSO, the coding shows the calls were closed as deferring to another agency (even though no other agency was called). But the cherry on top of it all is this:

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It is clear Vestal did as he was directed; he was promoted 10 days later.

Moral of the Story: There is a lack of professionalism by the ECSO, especially when the county is sleeping, you’d better be prepared to handle your own emergencies if you are on the wrong side of David Morgan.

2. October 28, 2019


The alarming part of this is that it took 18 minutes for the ECSO to respond. 18 MINUTES!! A minute must have seemed like a friggin’ year, but 18 minutes could have easily seen this entire family murdered. After looking into it, I am told that 13 minutes was the respond time per the ECSO records, but that is still ridiculous.

Moral of this story: If you call 9-1-1 and tell them a crazy person is threatening to kill you, you better be prepared to take matters into your own hands. ECSO won’t be there in time.

3. October 30, 2019



“Johnson states the suspects are from Escambia County.

He says crime from that county is spilling into Santa Rosa County.

According to Johnson, 670 people were arrested last year with Escambia County addresses.

So far this year, he says 705 have been arrested.”

After this Chorus Nylander spoke to Sheriff Morgan for a comment. The best part is the following:

Sheriff Johnson said Santa Rosa saw 670 arrests in 2018 of suspects that lived in Escambia County, this year before the year’s end the number is more than 700.

“I certainly didn’t take offense at Sheriff Johnson’s press conference I think he was outlining to folks a situation they are dealing with,” Sheriff Morgan said.

Sheriff Morgan said that crime spreading to neighboring counties is just a natural byproduct of how crime works and something his office can do little to prevent.

“It’s called the displacement theory and that theory is you never eliminate crime you kind of move it around but it pretty much stays there prostitution is a good example we focus on prostitution in Brownsville that moves on highway 29 we go on North 29 and it goes back to someplace else so we can’t throw a net obviously over crime and criminal activity as much as we’d like to contain it,” Morgan said.

This is perhaps one of the most preposterous comments Morgan has made in a LONG time. The displacement theory in criminology is a theory that says when law enforcement has been SO SUCCESSFUL, they have run crime out of one area; it must move because it cannot occur in the place it originated.  This theory has been disproved. The crime we are referring to here is street crime vs white collar crime. Street crime takes place in lower socio-economic areas.  When a successful law enforcement presence lowers crime in those areas, it doesn’t move to another area. People don’t have the means to move. Crime just dissipates.

I think we all know that crime isn’t getting better in Escambia County despite Haines’s skewed stats. It’s expanding and that is what is happening in Santa Rosa.

Moral of the Story: Don’t listen to a thing Morgan says. It doesn’t make sense.


Sheriff Morgan Makes False Accusations Against PBA

Sheriff Morgan,

I feel compelled to respond to your letter to Matt Puckett of the PBA. You accuse the PBA of leaking the letter sent to Lee Tyree, stripping him of his PBA obligations due to Haines’s tyrannical handling of deputies’ rights.

I know you are aware I posted that same letter on Facebook a couple of days ago and did a blog post on my blog,, yesterday.

Make no mistake: your administration through a NUMBER of sources leaked that document to me, not anyone in the PBA, although I called PBA first after I heard about it. However, my voicemail to Ianna Durning was not returned. Haines’s attempt to hide the letter in his own IA investigation was a terribly misguided thing to do. Everyone aware of that was appalled and reached out to sources to leak it to me.  You have more people in your administration leaking information than ever before. Why do you think that is? Don’t bother with headhunting in this case. There were so many people who contacted me, you would literally have only the handful of people who did not want this left out. I have more supporters than you do, at least in terms of people you supposedly oversee.

As for airing your ex employees’ dirty laundry, I hope Bain Custer sues you for defamation.  You used county resources to do a DNA test of fluids found in his office to prove he had sex on duty. The problem is, the male DNA found was not Bain’s. Was it another sexual deviant in your admin? That expensive test the taxpayers footed the bill for backfired on you. It only reveals the more serious problems of in your agency with you and Haines turning a blind eye to favored employees while you conduct witch hunts for those you don’t. The favored ones are a smaller group every day.

Your prevarication regarding lawsuits is being observed by many. You were not honest in asserting that all cases were dismissed or abandoned, not settled. Anita Hemphill and Jeff Van Camp settled their lawsuits with you, just to name a few. And the ongoing cases include, Laura Montoya, Philip Nix, Mindy Pare, Adam Narvaez and Tama Barber and hopefully Bain Custer soon. And this is not an all-inclusive list. I believe there are more, but you would have to ask your counsel, who is paid for by the people. They have an accurate count I’m sure.

Your rush to judgment on how the PBA letter got out is not surprising. It is much like your impulsive press conference asserting you don’t remember ever meeting Leah Manning, or your rush to think there was no Billy Boyette was in woods next to the vehicle he left abandoned, when, in fact, he was; that poor decision cost another life. All these poor decisions from the number one law enforcement officer in the county. Is there any wonder the people who call you boss, are reaching out to anyone who will listen asking for intervention?

But to be clear, this is me accepting responsibility for leaking this letter that I RECEIVED FROM YOUR OFFICE. You may want to apologize to the PBA.


Jimmie Lee Staley,

aka “The Blogger who doesn’t deserve airtime”