Time to Separate the Wheat from the Tares


The phrase, “God helps those that help themselves”, is thrown around liberally without much thought put into the sentiment. In the last few days, I have been wrangling with this saying anything about this video. While I believe Chip is the only one who can potentially mitigate the damage done internally to the ECSO, he also disappoints me greatly. I know that he knows the story and still chose to make the following video:

What the actual fuck is all I could say. You know, sometimes people can’t get out of their own way. That is exactly what this video represents. Having said that, the only thing that can be done is to lay all the cards on the table. So let’s get to work separating the good from the bad, shall we?

Everyone, at some point, in life has to make a choice that defines them. This is the time for Chip. The biggest unkept secret in the ECSO is the citizenship status of Alejandra Duda. Some time ago, Sheriff Morgan was told about Ms. Duda being a citizen currently, but she came to the country illegally. Her parents used a relatives name and social security number to get her into school. Ms. Duda, married, divorced, bought property under the fraudulent social security number. She did so in a couple of states prior to becoming a citizen.

Deputy Ray Briggs did an investigation on this when it came up, years back. He took these finding including a video of Duda telling the tale of her illegal immigration to Sheriff Morgan. Briggs was told to bury it and after maintaining a copy of the investigation, Briggs did just that. This was the end of the issue, until other employees saw the Latina getting preferential treatment. The bigger office chair…..a new car.

Others have come to Chip to tell him of this situation. However, Chip claims that after talking to people, he was assured the feds simply merged the fraudulent social into the new legal social and all is good.

Now when I heard that, I busted out laughing. But I did ask people “in the know” who assured me this doesn’t work that way and it could be no further from the truth. ICE doesn’t merge illegal socials into legal ones. And the fact Chip is not looking any further should concern everyone.

He is now an accomplice and by releasing this video, puts himself in the position to be blown away. Enemies of his could easily detonate this bomb and there is no plausible deniability here. This woman has defrauded the United States. And Chip’s ignorance of the details, by his own choice, is not a legitimate defense. He knows this is wrong but he chooses to stick his head in the sand. This just confirms the Morgan legacy of lying and covering things up is going to continue.

Put this all on top of the rest of the things Chip has let slide.

No one was punished for the incomprehensible neglect of the Jadekiss case.

No one was punished for the destruction/tampering of evidence in the Manning Case.

Employees that are clearly sabotaging the agency and the community sit in comfortable chairs, drawing a salary. I know I’ve heard this will all take care of itself in January, but that is extremely naive to think that anyone will look at the what will be long past cases to review. But what Chip doesn’t understand is that the good people hanging on til January, see these other people who are NEVER held accountable. Hell, I’ll say it; if following the laws or rules is optional, why the hell is there a sheriff’s department?

As someone who sees both candidates for who they are, Escambia is screwed with either choice for sheriff. I am extremely underwhelmed by Chip.

Chip, as I have said MANY times, what is your stand? Let the criminal acts depicted in this video continue, in the hopes that one of your political enemies doesn’t take this particular case, you have flaunted in everyone’s faces, and run to ICE, DOJ or the FBI or are you going to do the right thing?

What’s it going to be?