Can’t Paint a Zebra & Call It a Horse

When I was little, I heard the phrase, “you can’t paint a zebra & call it a horse, because the stripes will eventually show through.” I don’t know if that is the phrase commonly used but the moral of the cliche is the same. “You can put lipstick on a pig and call it Monique, but it’s still a pig.” I would like to offer up  my own new form of this cliche. “You can put medals on a con man’s jacket and collar. Hell you can give him a Sheriff’s star, but he’s still a con man.”
Sheriff David Morgan (aka Sir David for his phony knighthood), apparently,deleted his Facebook profile. Now he was an advocate of all social media prior to November 8th. So if that is true….why do you think that is? He put on this sociable pretense–leading up to the election. Now he doesn’t need that. His arrogance has trumped his need for attention. He now does not need the connection to the people. His true stripes are showing. The people of the community have been dismissed from his self-centered world.
This is also evident by the reaction of the deputies. When Morgan was re-elected, I was horrified at the corrupt voting system, because I honestly don’t think that was a solid, straight up election.  There was something hinky with the early mail in votes…but I digress. Understanding the people under Sir David and listening to their input, comments is far more important in evaluating the “success” of Sir David and relevant to the understanding of the morale inside the agency and thus the performance on the street.
These are just a few anonymous comments made about Sir David from his deputies:
With there being so many different violations (criminal,civil,conduct unbecoming etc.) that can cost deputies their jobs, why in a profession where “high character” is important and deputies are held to a higher standard would we employee deputies that refuse to recognize their own child/children as their own or be a father to to them? If someone is that sorry and of low character how can we as an agency believe they’re capable of making the kinds of decisions we are in trusted to make on a day to day basis?
It all depends if Chief Haines believes it violates HIS morale conduct code or not. Then it depends on whether he likes you or not or if he perceives someone as unworthy. Here is the perfect example. It is alleged that Deputy XYZ was insubordinate. Chief Haines believes a bunch of BS told about this Deputy so instead of it being handled on shift level he insists it must be investigated by IA. The investigation determines there are conflicting sides to the story and the supervisor based the insubordination on assumptions. The charges are unfounded. But that isn’t good enough for the Admin. The case goes back to IA to check it out again and this time around someone mentions Deputy XYZ has ….I don’t know….recently moved and Oh No….he has neglected to change his address with the office. BINGO…there it is. Deputy XYZ is found guilty.

That is how this Admin works. If they want to get you they will. They just keep on and on and on until they find something.
So hang in there. When they find out there is a Deputy who isn’t taking care of his child they will get him. It might not be a violation at all but if Haines thinks it is this deputy will be put through pure hell and will feel he has no other choice but to leave.

 Speaking to “undeserved raises” recently:
The sheriff has never cared about the deputies or their pay. He made a promise when he ran the first time to up the deputies pay by several thousand dollars, didn’t happen! We’ve received a few token raises, far less than any other sheriff. He’s taken good care of his staff and their salaries. Morgan is a bullshitter and a politician who can’t bring himself to speak the truth and when pushed you can bet his response will be, “I’m the sheriff and I do what I want to”. I predict this pattern of promotions will continue and his reorganization will resemble something from a Georgia roadmap. Merry Christmas to all my brothers and sisters, it’s going to be a long four years.
(In response to another comment claiming the raises are sound)
You made Major, are you now trying for Commander? Come on man, neither you or David deserved the promotion. You have zero patrol experience and zero supervisor experience. David has 2 years as a Sergeant and I dont need to repeat all the lacking experience. This place is a joke and nothing will change here. There isn’t any integrity and loyalty only 6exists for the select few who place campaign signs and troll Facebook for 1st Amendment violations.

To anyone wishing to work at an agency that is professional, honest and trustworthy, this ISN’T the place. You will be buried in the back with the trash and fish bones. Want a promotion with a 30% pay raise, put up campaign signs, troll the internet and back stab fellow deputies. Great job AH and DI, you now contributed to the lowest morale level the department has ever seen.

He has excellent skills at letting a former garage supervisor cover up theft and misuse of county property. Maybe if we were the bad guys that would be a useable skill. Otherwise he fits right into the Morgan way of doing things.
 Why even put a promotional process in place if you’re just going to crush the hopes and morale of those who come to work and try hard by doing something like this? How is someone supposed to respect the rank of anyone above them if it’s just handed to them without merit? Sheriff you can step up and admit you erred and gain back trust. If this festers watch this place come to a screeching halt. It won’t be due to some reorganizational issue but directly tie to morale and two less than stellar sergeants being given something they don’t deserve
Why would you expect anything different from Morgan? Look at some of the past promotions he’s made and it shouldn’t surprise you one bit. Please don’t think Simmons is going to be any better, he’s a clone right now. Time to sit down and let things run their course. Obviously hard work means nothing.
These comments are anonymous because there is punitive actions against anyone with an opinion contrary to Sir David. Just ask Buddy Nesmith or hell, Eric Haines, the demoted Chief Deputy who doesn’t even see his own demotion. (This would be the 2nd demoted Chief Deputy in Sir David’s cabinet, by the way.)
So I might be crazy, but it appears that there are an inordinate amount of deputies who feel slighted by Sir David’s lastest choices in raises.  But that’s not the only disappointment or breach of trust/service, Sir David’s committed. Yet still we sit here with Sheriff Shithead at the helm…..anybody else see a problem?????