The Media Whore Sheriff


Morgan started his tenure in 2009 and almost immediately got a “big” case.  The night that Byrd & Melanie Billings were killed catapulted Sheriff Morgan to the national media stage. This was “the feather” in his cap. 

According to Edward Bronson, a media expert retained by the defense. Morgan was featured in 239 articles in the PNJ in reference to the Billings case and Patrick Gonzalez. That does not count the numerous national TV appearances, including the Oprah Winfrey Show.  Dr. Bronson reviewed 250 newspaper articles from 2007-2010 mentioning Patrick (Poff)
Gonzalez. 11 of those were from 2007-2008, prior to the murders.  Here is an excerpt from his report:

Pages from exhibit2-expert test.-2_Page_02

The quotes by the sheriff in this case:

“Among his notable achievements during his first  term in office,were …His commitment to this level  of cooperation and transparency extended to his  handling of the investigation of the Billings  homicide case in 2009, where, through mutual  cooperation with the national media and his  exemplary investigative staff, in approximately 96  hours, 7 suspects were in custody and in 118  hours an 8th suspect was arrested.”—

The next serious of news exposure did not portray the Sheriff in such a positive light.

“David Morgan Is Wrong, Terribly Wrong

Two Florida cops shot an innocent, unarmed man in his own driveway. And then their sheriff started talking.”Slate, August 15, 2013

“Oh, Baltimore, man it’s hard just to live..”-The Field Negro, April 27, 2015

An excerpt:

I submit to you, though, that it is people like Sheriff David Morgan of Florida who is to blame for our current racial state of affairs in cities like Baltimore, Maryland.

A video from 2013 has come to light showing the sheriff of Escambiaso County, Florida, David Morgan, sputtering on nonsensically about black culture.

Morgan’s bizarre speech begins with a criticism of the term African-American with Morgan emphatically stating:

the blacks who currently reside in the United States of America are not from Africa.”

 “I would remind black Americans that you are little less than 13% of the entire population of the United States.”  “Had every one of those people been voter eligible only 13% could have voted for President Obama.”  “If we’re such a racist nation, why do we have an African American president?” [Source]

Lord have mercy! This is a sheriff, people.

The headlines across the internet this created were phenomenal.

Sheriff Morgan Revives “Racist Speculation” “Urban Legend,” and “Junk Science,” to Smear All Young Black Males in Escambia County as ‘Super Predators’CJ’s Street Report, April 12, 2015

Let’s not forget the “Blue Moon/Witchcraft Case”. Morgan made the prophetic statement that “this is witchcraft” about a triple murder purely on the basis of a Wicca book at the suspect’s home. Colossal rush to judgment. I personally contacted nationally recognized paranormal expert, Michelle Belanger, to comment on this statement of the Honorable Sheriff. She made a video to respond.

“The biggest problem in Pensacola right now is you got a Sheriff who is jumping to all kinds of conclusions. He’s creating his own kind of red herrings. …My other problem with Sheriff Morgan is, your average person doesn’t know what a Wiccan is, doesn’t know what a Pagan is. They hear these words from an authority figure, like Sheriff Morgan. What he is doing, either through his own ignorance or his own willful misdirection of the actual facts of the case. He’s betraying the trust that people have put into him……..He is misleading people who he’s their only source for whether or not that’s true. And because he’s seen as an authority figure, they are not going to go out and Google to find out that he’s actually talking out of his posterior in a grievous way that could honestly incite hate crimes.”

Michelle Belanger

I really could go on for days about the attempts of ye olde sheriff to try to bombast everything he can, but I do have other posts on his legacy.

** From the last post, here are the links to Morgan’s financials.









The Hits Just Keep On Coming

I started a post on the crazy shit Morgan said publicly in 2017 but it has become such a list that it is almost impossible to get it all out. Even in the face of disgrace, Morgan still tries to “get over”. The AG decided to withhold her opinion on Morgan’s slush fund until after the Governor’s decision. What does that mean? Well, it means its complicated. It means Morgan is not blameless. It means the AG doesn’t want the perception that her opinion will affect the Governor’s ruling. Either way, no one came out to say Morgan was in the clear. If that was the case, there would be no withholding that fact because it would be moot in relation to the Governor’s ruling.

Am I surprised that Bondi didn’t grow a set and do the right thing? Absolutely not. She has given Morgan a pass for so long that it is shameful. Every crime he commits is under their (AG & Governor Scott) auspices. They are facilitating every wrong done by Morgan. Dante Aligheri said it best, ” The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who remain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.”

While I get that it may be politically wise to withhold this decision, but the last year or more of Bondi being aware of Morgan’s antics and NOT taking action prior to being asked by the County Commission is the neutrality that reserves her place in hell. The longer a crime continues the more brazen the criminal gets. We see the dismantling of the county in the crime. Dreamland is a good example. Juvenile crime is representative of the criminality in the community. While crimes are most likely committed by younger populations, the younger the population and the more violent the crime (vs property crimes) is symptomatic of a growing violent crime base over all within that community.

Dreamland had kids with guns at New Years lock-in. That is a new low for the citizens of Escambia County. This shows the escalating severity of the crime in the area. That is the legacy of Morgan.

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Making America Great Again–Just Not Escambia County

republican-sweep-cagle-nov-10-2014-jpg-600x488-clipularThe country has spoken. They are tired of the Clinton-Bush America and need something better. While I will readily admit Rand Paul would have been my choice, the fact of the matter was that was not an option. Albert Einstein said, ““Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”

The protests and demonstrations on the left seems nonsensical.  A segment of society that wants to be heard as equal & be able to express their legitimacy as individuals and as segments within society, have the the inability or unwillingness to accept that some people might choose, for morally legitimate reasons, to have the freedom to do just that–choose–to opt out of that line of thought. That is not prejudice that is agreeing to disagree. I don’t have to share your political ideology or your religious dogma to appreciate you as a person. Please afford me that same respect. By trying to control the American voice, is like trying to herd cats.

America has many voices and yours is just one of many.  These voices elected Carter. These voices elected Reagan. These voices elected Bush…Clinton….W. and Obama. America ebbs and flows. The one thing that should be said is that as Americans we are unique. The uniqueness is what keeps us exceptional. We are all Americans and the factions and groups we split ourselves into only weaken us as a whole. Friggin’ be American and that will make America great.

Now to address the elephant in the room: the election of David Morgan for a third term.

Mr. Morgan,

As hard as it is to say, I am glad you got re-elected. I know you must be as surprised as most people are by this statement. Please allow me to explain.  For the last 4 years, I have learned so much about Escambia County. I have learned about your constiuents, your employees, your former friends, colleagues and more importantly the people you have immolated. Those are the people who will be the most influential in seeing you get your due.

By indiscriminantly marring so many people, you have made my allies diverse and their experiences form a distinctive pattern of how you “conduct” yourself and your self-interests. You are consistent and live up to even the worst of  the statements about your character. You excel at hubris. In fact, you are literature worthy. Some of the best written novels could not develop antagonists as impetuous and so resolutely undisciplined. That is your legacy.  Your continuing to be sheriff gives me an opportunity to be the end of your story in Escambia County.

Our destinies are inextricably intertwined. Your legacy will be part of my story. My story is bigger than yours in the long run. Trust me on this. As surely as the sun comes up, this is so. Your re-election was fortuituous for me as it gives me more time to show what is so evident to so many already. It also gives you time for the hubris you cultivated to expand exponentially.  The voters did not vote you in as much as they voted for the Republican ticket or even the alliance you made with Chip Simmons,b9316385517z-1_20150227173236_000_ghha3406a-1-0-jpg-1200x630-clipular whose public persona is largely less tarnished than yours. Hold on to those coattails. We are going on a hell of a ride.  Your legacy awaits.  The ivory tower can get as tall as the heavens, making an enormous fall from that tower.  That is the consolation that these next 4 years will provide for me, as with so many other people.

Defeated? No.  Secondwind? Damn Straight!





My Journey & Mission


Something must be said. In all my days working towards getting justice in a place where there is no justice, I have been accused of being sanctimonious, unintelligent, naive, even man-chasing after a lost cause because I am a woman.  I have never addressed these things because those that KNOW me know that is not the case.  These are all attempts to minimize my mission.

My very core of being led me to this place. I was born with greatness as my uncle Mike would say. The greatness is not in blood or even heritage. It is self belief and confidence. We all have it; it is merely a matter of how much of yourself you listen to or maybe some will call it what God believes of me. I believe the latter personally because you cannot have the former without the latter but I understand that is not everyone’s view.

I am a simple person who has always basked in being underestimated in every realm of my life. Nothing feeds the soul like doing something people say is impossible. I was not supposed to live at birth. I was not supposed to be able to bear children. I was not supposed to be able to make a difference in the journey but yet I find myself working amongst some of the strongest people in Pensacola to aid me in doing the right thing. People I read in the news about but never thought I would have a dialogue with, men like Gene Valentino, Rex Blackburn and others. These men have a legacy in Pensacola. They are trendsetters. They are people who have crossed my path in commonality of mission.

I know it may not seem like much either but I get to work with Patrick Gonzalez and Richard Gonzalez. They are aristocracy from the foundation of Pensacola.  This is an excerpt from Pensapedia. (I did not write this nor did I poach it, Mr. Outzen. I am just CITING it.)

Don Manuel Gonzalez was born in 1767 in San Vincente, de la Barquera, Santander Province, Spain. Born into landed gentry, Gonzalez ran away from home to serve on his uncle’s ship. On December 17, 1784, he joined the army and was sent to the New World, landing in New Orleans. He was made Indian Agent in 1792 and was given the rank of Colonel and later Brigadier General in the Spanish Army. Don Manuel came to possess large tracts of land in Pensacola through honors granted by the Spanish Crown. After leaving the army, he was granted passage through the Choctaw and Creek nations and established residence in Pensacola, where he became a cattle rancher. He donated the land for Plaza Ferdinand VII to the city and opened a market there in 1816. When Florida was transferred to the United States in 1821, Gonzalez, a friend of General Andrew Jackson (and at whose house Jackson and his wife awaited the transfer), was appointed Justice of the Peace and made a Colonel in the American Army. The first Florida Legislature was held (and the first statutes enacted) at Don Manuel’s home, Gonzalia (nicknamed the “Fifteen-Mile House”). He was made Quartermaster General for the Florida Militia on September 14, 1822.

Gonzalez died in his home on March 8, 1838. His burial was marked by the closing of many businesses and was described by the Pensacola Gazette as well-attended, including the uniformed officers of the French corvette La Brillante.

A street and neighborhood in Pensacola are named for Gonzalez. He is buried at St. Michael’s Cemetery.

Patrick & Lenny Gonzalez may not look like the sort to be of importance in Pensacola today. But like I said, I believe we all have greatness in us. We are Americans…our existence is miraculous. Thousands of people died trying to get the American Dream. We are the stock of the people who made it…the survivors.

Each of us has a family story. I feel the need to live up to a standard of the way I was raised and the people I came from. Honor is a seldom used word in our culture. I have done some bad things that will forever mar my character and for those things my penance is to do right in other ways. Slaying this nasty corrupt dragon is going to be my legacy. It is my destiny. I put my soul into this. I have made exactly $4.70 so far off of 3 years of work. But my conscience is clear and my motives are right. For that reason, I believe with every fiber in my being I can only succeed. That is all that matters.


I have spent the day reflecting on different things.  As I sat down to write about the case, I thought that going over the lasting indentation in time; a moment  can carry a generational reverberation. One instant can propel a life into constellation of events. We take for granted those moments and we abuse them regularly. Byrd Billings used his moments in time to weave a web of lies, as well as brazenly live a  life more corrupt than a movie plot could begin to describe. He was selling drugs. He was laundering money. He was lining his pocket with government money for his “disadvantaged” kids.  The money is in the number of kids.

When you have the ability to spend the least amount of effort and expense, the money is in the numbers. If you have a full time person, on site, that is CPR certified and is a healthcare professional, the space, the vehicles to transport the kids, and other fringe people helping out in a voluntary or part-time basis, the number of kids, who are not completely incapable of doing for themselves (ie dressing, eating etc), becomes a business. The state doesn’t mind because they have problems providing for the number of kids that need a home. Byrd & Melanie Billings exploited that. This all stems out of Melanie having a special needs daughter who died not too long before her mother.

The legacy here is not altruistic. The proof is in the lawsuits that Byrd filed trying to copyright the names of the kids. He tried to impose fines for letters acknowledging services for the kids.

“Additional documents released Monday from the Florida Department of Children and Families show a bizarre attempt by Byrd Billings to copyright the children’s names and request money from the department for their use. A department attorney, Katie George, told the Pensacola News-Journal that every time the agency sent Billings a letter referencing the children by name, he would reply with an invoice demanding millions in copyright infringement. In one document released by the department, he demands $10 million in silver or federal reserve notes of equal value.

In a sharply worded letter of December 2005, another department attorney, Richard Cserep, wrote to Billings, “you reference a wide variety of law in connection with this claim” for damages. “This includes copyright violations, trademark violations, contract violations, admiralty and maritime law, libel and the Truth in Lending Act. At no time in any of your correspondence have you made a plain demand for damages under a clear and cognizable theory of liability.”…A handwritten note on the letter says that no further correspondence was received from Billings after that letter.”

This is the legacy of Byrd Billings.