Same Crap, Different State Attorney


This is a hard truth that I hoped would not be so but the State Attorney’s Office is still operating questionably. I got a tip about a case that that was handled inappropriately. The case involves a grandfather of either a former or current Santa Rosa Sheriff’s deputy. It doesn’t appear he actually is a deputy there but I won’t say with certainty that he isn’t. The deputy’s name is Joshua Carlson. His father is Alvah B. Carlson Jr, and grandfather is Alvah B. Carlson Sr. Sr. lives in Milton and Jr. lives in Navarre. Then tip was specifically about the Jr. He reportedly masturbated on a property where he was trespassing on camera but failed to get arrested for it. But then more crazy comes out about this family. Jr. was arrested in August 2022 for getting a DUI in his official cruiser

Former Houston County deputy charged with DUI

ELBA, Ala. (WDHN) — A former Houston County sheriff’s deputy has been fired after being charged with a DUI.
Alvah Carlson, 38, of Elba, was arrested in Elba on a driving while intoxicated charge on Wednesday night. He was arrested after driving his patrol car erratically, according to a source close to WDHN.
After receiving the charge, Carlson was terminated Wednesday night, according to Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza.
Carlson has previously worked as an Elba police officer and a Brantley police officer.
In regards to Carlson’s charge and firing Sheriff Valenza said:
“I’m not going to tolerate this (behavior).”
He was released from the Coffee County Jail on a $1,000 bond Thursday morning.

But this is only the beginning of the craziness. His father was arrested in 2019 on a litany of charges. Here is the arrest report:

So after inquiring with some people in Santa Rosa, supposedly this deal was cut due to Sr. being terminal and the source claimed he is dead. I found no evidence of him being dead. No transference of property; no probate; no obituary. This appears to be a bad deal made with this guy.

This shit happens more than it should in this day and age.

If anyone knows the specifics or has proof this man is dead, please contact me. Otherwise, this is just another sad case in the Florida Panhandle.

No Confidence Vote

Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies Association is moving forward in a no-confidence vote to symbolically unseat Scott Israel as Broward County Sheriff. This is symbolic measure only in that it does not have the authority to remove Israel but the no-confidence vote should catch the attention of the Governor, the only power to remove an elected sheriff.

NBC Miami 6 reported the union released a statement claiming it was:

 “many instances of suspected malfeasance, misfeasance, failure to maintain fiduciary responsibility by the Sheriff, failure to properly investigate possible criminal conduct by members of his senior command staff and the lack of leadership that has crushed morale through the agency.”

Hmmmm….sounds vaguely familiar. Couldn’t the same be said for Hefe Morgan? (By the way, I call him “Hefe Morgan or Boss Morgan” because there is no implication of honor in that title like there is in the title “sheriff” or even his bought title of “sir. “Hefe/jefe” in Spanish means “boss or chief”. Fidel Castro was called Commandente en jefe or Commander in Chief. Pablo Escobar was called El Jefe commonly translated into “The Boss”). That, to me, exemplifies his head criminal position in the ECSO.

hefe morgan

But seriously, couldn’t the citizens, not just the deputies, request some symbolic vote or petition to outline the disdain for Hefe Morgan? Isn’t that abundantly clear with the latest hijinks on the budget?



Making America Great Again–Just Not Escambia County

republican-sweep-cagle-nov-10-2014-jpg-600x488-clipularThe country has spoken. They are tired of the Clinton-Bush America and need something better. While I will readily admit Rand Paul would have been my choice, the fact of the matter was that was not an option. Albert Einstein said, ““Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”

The protests and demonstrations on the left seems nonsensical.  A segment of society that wants to be heard as equal & be able to express their legitimacy as individuals and as segments within society, have the the inability or unwillingness to accept that some people might choose, for morally legitimate reasons, to have the freedom to do just that–choose–to opt out of that line of thought. That is not prejudice that is agreeing to disagree. I don’t have to share your political ideology or your religious dogma to appreciate you as a person. Please afford me that same respect. By trying to control the American voice, is like trying to herd cats.

America has many voices and yours is just one of many.  These voices elected Carter. These voices elected Reagan. These voices elected Bush…Clinton….W. and Obama. America ebbs and flows. The one thing that should be said is that as Americans we are unique. The uniqueness is what keeps us exceptional. We are all Americans and the factions and groups we split ourselves into only weaken us as a whole. Friggin’ be American and that will make America great.

Now to address the elephant in the room: the election of David Morgan for a third term.

Mr. Morgan,

As hard as it is to say, I am glad you got re-elected. I know you must be as surprised as most people are by this statement. Please allow me to explain.  For the last 4 years, I have learned so much about Escambia County. I have learned about your constiuents, your employees, your former friends, colleagues and more importantly the people you have immolated. Those are the people who will be the most influential in seeing you get your due.

By indiscriminantly marring so many people, you have made my allies diverse and their experiences form a distinctive pattern of how you “conduct” yourself and your self-interests. You are consistent and live up to even the worst of  the statements about your character. You excel at hubris. In fact, you are literature worthy. Some of the best written novels could not develop antagonists as impetuous and so resolutely undisciplined. That is your legacy.  Your continuing to be sheriff gives me an opportunity to be the end of your story in Escambia County.

Our destinies are inextricably intertwined. Your legacy will be part of my story. My story is bigger than yours in the long run. Trust me on this. As surely as the sun comes up, this is so. Your re-election was fortuituous for me as it gives me more time to show what is so evident to so many already. It also gives you time for the hubris you cultivated to expand exponentially.  The voters did not vote you in as much as they voted for the Republican ticket or even the alliance you made with Chip Simmons,b9316385517z-1_20150227173236_000_ghha3406a-1-0-jpg-1200x630-clipular whose public persona is largely less tarnished than yours. Hold on to those coattails. We are going on a hell of a ride.  Your legacy awaits.  The ivory tower can get as tall as the heavens, making an enormous fall from that tower.  That is the consolation that these next 4 years will provide for me, as with so many other people.

Defeated? No.  Secondwind? Damn Straight!





I Hate to Say “I Told You”….

Since late 2015, I postulated that Mark Smith of the Manning Sex Case would “walk” away from these crimes. On Thursday last week, that theory was proven true. I have been distressed to come up with a post in response to this crazy ass decision.  The way this case played out was more odious than I could have never perceived the events as they manifested. Not only did this degenerate “walk”, but he was found “not guilty”.  He can NEVER be held accountable for the crimes known to have been committed against Brittany Cutting or Kaitlyn and Kayla Rogers. How could that be possible? Ask Sir David.  He is the puppeteer of this tragedy.

I can hear people saying, under their breathe, that I blame Sir David for the rain. If only that were so. It would be easier to dismiss me and this post by saying I am on a crusade against what I perceive is the Devil himself. Regrettably the Devil himself could not evoke the despondency Sheriff Morgan has in the heart of girls whose only sin was the family they were born into.

I cannot make a more compelling case for the imprisonment of Mark Smith. I have put document after document out there that support the predatory nature of this man’s heart. I’ve asked the question as to how he got a badge to begin with. He was discharged from the US Navy due to a “Personality Disorder”. He explains he was young and threatened suicide. However, being familiar with military protocol, I know you don’t get out of your obligation to serve that easily. For this reason for discharge, there must have been evidence to justify that Smith was a LIABILITY to the service.

Furthermore, a fellow cop who has 15 years experience in criminal investigations was persuaded to investigate a colleague. Not only that but he convinced a judge, who most certainly was apprehensive in issuing the search warrant, to find cause to effectively shred the credibility of deputy. For this case to be so compelling as to have an investigator come forward on his own as well as a judiciary who finds legal sufficiency to go after a law enforcement officer is HUGE.

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To question the judgment of the arresting officer, Zack Ward is question all cases in his 15 years of service at the Sheriff’s office, including the Billings Case. If the evidence Inv. Ward found was not legally sufficient in the eyes of the jury, how could it have been sufficient for the State Attorney?  The question here is who dropped the ball.In a press conference BEFORE THE MANNINGS WERE ARRESTED, Morgan says:

 We received some information downloaded from computer systems involving this case,” said Morgan. “We have over 100,000 images that have to be reviewed in addition to videotapes. As you can well imagine what a labor-intensive process that’s going to be for us to go through all of that material.”

This means there were images from Smith, Thomas and/or the victims. Yet in a Facebook conversation 10/4/15 with Eric Haines, Chief Deputy of the ECSO, he says:

 I unloaded on him including attacking his religiosity.  But the point is clear, Morgan says there were videos and images

but NOW Haines says, there aren’t any videos and pictures. No video or picture evidence was presented to the jury.

What happened to them?

I’ve asked the question as to how he got a badge to begin with. He was discharged from the US Navy due to a “Personality Disorder”. He explains he was young and threatened suicide. However, being familiar with military protocol, I know you don’t get out of your obligation to serve that easily. For this reason for discharge, there must have been evidence to justify that Smith was a LIABILITY to the service.

IN ADDITION, lest we forget my post from over a year ago:


Erin Ambrose is the starting point because the entirety of the story seemingly circles back to her. She is also the person in this story with the most influence and has the greatest obligation to do the right thing. Her job title and ethical responsibility is higher than the rest and her part in this story is the most egregious. This is not an isolated incident for the State Attorney’s office. They have been more concerned with covering things up rather than pursuing justice. This is case merely epitomizes what happens on a day to day basis under Bill Eddins and his cronies.

Ms. Ambrose, Assistant State Attorney for the First Judicial Circuit, is engaged to a deputy by the name of Jason Young (Jason Von Ansbach Young).

10697416_10100595171443963_3087119126674280417_o (1) Jason is probably the least culpable of the bunch. While he is an adult and a law enforcement officer, which, in and of itself, carries responsibility for serving and protecting the public, he is not an active participant in endangering children; he is, however, complicit.

Jason’s brother and soon-to-be best man in his wedding in January is Ryan Von Ansbach Young, an ex-deputy who is married to Mindy Von Ansbach Young, a current Lieutenant at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


The Von Ansbach Youngs have foster children as well as their own children. Ryan Von Ansbach Young posted bail for his wife’s colleague, Mark Smith on 3/09/2015. This act which had to be known by the Sheriff’s Office due to the hand in hand relationships they have with bail bondsmen. If they did not know, it is because they did not want to know. Having a deputy, Ryan’s wife, suborning the release of a child sex offender, by extension, shows complicity of the entire organization for which she and her family represent. This is also the caveat that Ms. Ambrose falls prey to.

It is telling that this impropriety and the ability to connect this sort of deviant, sex offender with the people who are supposed to police and cage these monsters. Cozying up with them off the clock shows how little regard they have for the humanity they are supposed to be protecting. Of course, this gives a bad message to all that have knowledge of it. Of course, it de-legitimizes the entire criminal justice system in Pensacola, because cronyism trumps proper handling of criminal cases. This is the downfall of the entire community.


The malfeasance is that with all these children in their home, the Von Ansbach Youngs, all current or prior law enforcement professionals, allow a sex offender into their home. They allow said offender to come and go freely with children in the home.

Sr. Deputy Mark SmithEscambia Sheriff's K-9 tops at national trials - Studer Community Institute.clipular

The sex offender, who should not have contact with children is Mark Smith, an ex-Senior Deputy of the Escambia Sheriff’s Office. He is awaiting adjudication currently for multiple counts of sexual battery/rape of children over 16 and under 21, which has been minimized through the State Attorney’s office. Most counts being reduced to misdemeanors, even though there is video evidence of his impropriety as well accounts of sexual misconduct against others that the Sheriff’s dept. refused to acknowledge (See my post “Where’s Gavin?“)

Coming full circle back to Erin Ambrose, who is SUPPOSED to be an advocate of the children molested, battered and raped by  Walter Thomas and of course Mark Smith, who were both Escambia County Deputies at the time of the offenses.

10473866_10204243856329120_2942019695593477156_n 1015429_10200868804664193_937361007_o

The most malicious of the acts in the fact that not only is Ms. Ambrose violating her position as Assistant State Attorney by being involved personally with a case she is prosecuting but she is closely entangled in this family that neglects their moral and ethical duties as servants of the county and officers of the court to protect children against exposure to child sex predators. She knows what happens in this close knit family that she is about to become apart of and is aware of Smith’s consistent presence in the home as well as his “access” to the children. That is a conflict of nature that corrupts the entire justice process.

The girls victimized by these sexual predators are not being protected by the system. The system is more interested in covering its as. In addition to this situation, regarding this same case, Sheriff David Morgan effectively endowed Gulf Coast Kids House with $50K for a new wing AFTER he personally became aware of the abuse of his deputies on children. This was a stop-gap measure to preemptively control the reaction of the Gulf Coast Kids House when the story inevitably became public. These two organizations colluded to sweep this incident under the rug with Gulf Coast Kids House turning a blind eye to the additional victims that may have been affected by the deputies that Sheriff Morgan failed to investigate.


This is the price of silence in Escambia County. 

With my head bowed, I say “I was right”. 

The boundaries of victimization is overwhelming & this check shows you how justice is bought & paid for in Escambia County. 

Escambia Kids Re-Victimized by State Attorney

sexual predatorThis case has been close to my heart as a mother and a criminologist because I know the psychological damage that occurs when a child is sexually assaulted. Now factor in the fact the kids’ mother put them in a situation to be exploited by law enforcement. What does that tell the kid? Family can’t be trusted to protect them and neither can the justice system. How dare Anne Patterson let Mark Smith get away with this. The man used his little girl to lure teenage girls in his home. He drugged and videotaped them as he raped them. Yet his charges have now been reduced from 3 counts to 1 and it isn’t even sexual battery; it is simple felony battery on a minor. In theory, since he plead not guilty and the video evidence is conveniently no longer available, Mark Smith could walk AND GET HIS BADGE BACK! WTF!!!!!!!

Escambia Clerk of the Circuit Court.clipular (18)

I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked. When I did the Erin Ambrose story, I found pictured of her with her friend the Honorable Judge Frydrychowicz. Of course, the pictures not to be found now but they are both runners in local events. Look for them together as well as the dirty deputies that Ms. Ambrose–excuse me–Mrs. VonAnsbach Young colludes with.

Everyone that reads this and that lives in Escambia County, I sincerely beg you to help the families of the young victims of the ECSO and now the State Attorney’s Office. Every child in Escambia County is now at risk of being exploited, molested, raped and ignored since this son of bitch is going to walk.  That’s not justice. If you ever wanted to help change your community, this is the opportunity for the citizens to take back the community from the good ole’ boys. VOTE MORGAN OUT 2016.  Call the State Attorney’s office…flood their office with calls asking them why they would do such a thing. Call the Sheriff, ask him why he helped a sexual predator go free. DO SOMETHING, I BEG YOU!


VM-Over 2016

I haven’t posted for a while because I’ve been reflecting on VMO 2016-365 reasons to vote out Morgan (McNesby). This is not what I want to be remembered for. Does Escambia County have a Morgan problem? Why, yes, it does. As a former resident and person who, now, questions calling Pensacola, “my hometown”, because of the state of affairs in the city, I should not be the one to save the soul of the city.  The people, who make Pensacola fabulous, need to raise some hell.

I am an educated, recognized blogger. My credentials consist of the Dean’s List throughout my Bachelor’s of Science program, working with criminologists, judges, authors and psychologists. I was privileged enough to be accepted into Vanderbilt University’s Master program that less than 100 people are currently in. I have letters of recommendations from people with alphabet soup behind their names and I have earned my stripes with colleagues who happen to be some of the most recognized in Pensacola. I bring legitimacy, education and sincerity to the table of everything I do. Yet Sir David would have you believed I could be reduced to a lone nut who has a grudge.  There is no part of that statement that is accurate.

Vanderbilt University - Vanderbilt - Best College - US News.clipular

13.1 % acceptance rating–that means over 86% of applicants are accepted. So much for your lone nut theory Sir David.

Also, please note, that I have no personal vendetta against Sir David, except for the trail of deaths and ruined lives he leaves in his wake. I said “leaves” because I am confident that Sir David will be run out on a rail or in jail by the first day of 2017. The people, upstanding and the outlaw element, have the same stories of what goes on in Pensacola. ALL THE STORIES ARE THE SAME, with respect to Sir David’s involvement. Favoritism, retaliatory behavior, abuse of power, manipulation of evidence, threats of all kinds, and failure to own up to his malfeasance as a leader. Each and every case that comes my way has these elements in it.

Why do cases come my way and how many are we talking about? Failure to address the problem through procedural or regimental avenues have been ignored, minimized or thrown out because of the layers of corruption in the law enforcement community in Florida. Where do you go when the police are the bad guys?  You come to people like me who will research and document things to bring some exposure to the case. There have been many overlapping cases. That being said, there is no exact number.  I deal with roughly 20 people who have been detrimentally harmed by Sir David’s gang of injustice.  That may not be a lot but even one is too much when you about how profoundly people have been affected by the rippling of misdeeds.  People have died who should not have died because of Sir David. Marriages lost. Kids turning away from parents under false allegations. Property has been lost. People have been debased that had no malice against Sir David. Lives have been lost, earthly and publicly. That’s why I do what I do. I would venture to say 1000+ people have been affected, personally, in some way from aforementioned favoritism, retaliatory behavior, abuse of power, manipulation of evidence, threats of all kinds, and failure to own up to his malfeasance as a leader.

imageThat is my problem with Sir David and thugs. Haines likes to justify and make excuses but there is no excuse for being a sociopathic person. That is what Morgan is.  The DSM IV (professional diagnostic standard; recognized universally) says sociopathy is described by just 3 of the following behaviors:

  1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others.
  2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, and obligations.
  3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them..
  4. Very low tolerance to frustration, a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
  5. Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
  6. Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalization for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.

Suffices to say, the 1000+ people negatively affected by Sir David Morgan’s actus reus (law term for behavior and intent to engage in a crime) qualifies him for the label of sociopathy. For those who might be interested in tactics in dealing with a sociopath, is a good reference.

I pose this question to the people of Escambia County: Should your Sheriff be a sociopath?

As for me, I will be focusing on the victims rather than Sir David and that is not to say that he is out of the crosshairs. He is the weakest link in the corrupt string of scum that are taking advantage of the community. And knowing the psychological profile of Sir David, he will try to save his own neck and roll over on Eddins and the money funding the corruption. You know the saying, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”? Well that link is corroding as we speak.

Also just FYI, Morgan has an agenda to get re-elected and step down to put Eric Haines as the Sheriff. He’s doing this because Haines COULD NOT get elected himself. Morgan is looking for higher political aspirations, possibly guaranteed by powers that be in Pensacola.  So know that if you vote Morgan, you will be getting Haines. He is a PCC graduate that has no effective law enforcement training, less leadership ability (if that is possible), and no charisma. He is the excuse guy who swoops in and tries to justify the most egregious of actions by the ECSO.